Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

cha­­pel-of-all-valaam-sai­n­­ts / Montenegro

Andrey Ani­si­mov

Pro­get­ti­sta Andrey Ani­si­mov
Loca­tion Valaam island, Sor­ta­va­la district, Repu­blic of Kare­lia, 186756
Nazio­ne Rus­sia
Desi­gn Team

The author of the pro­ject and con­struc­tion mana­ger is archi­tect Andrey Anisimov.
Archi­tec­ts: S. Vasi­liev, S. Kan­te­rin, O. Petrashko.
Artists: O. Roma­nen­ko, V. Bori­sen­ko, O. Petrashko.

Anno 2016
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

Pho­to archi­ve from the col­lec­tion of Andrey Anisimov

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The com­plex is loca­ted on the roc­ky sho­re of Lake Lado­ga and con­sists of two cha­pels loca­ted on natu­ral hills and a viewing plat­form for pil­grims with a cafe, con­nec­ted by gal­le­ries and a sto­ne cross in the squa­re in front of the entrance.
The cha­pels are built of wood in the tra­di­tions of the natio­nal archi­tec­tu­re of Kare­lia and nor­thern Rus­sia and pla­ced on natu­ral sto­ne foundations.
The inte­riors look unex­pec­ted for woo­den archi­tec­tu­re and resem­ble Roma­ne­sque chur­ches with ele­gant sto­ne car­vings, mosaic icons with gold smalt, mar­ble and mother-of-pearl, and for­ged iron elements.
The com­plex is loca­ted on the ter­ri­to­ry of an ancient mona­ste­ry, in the area of ​​a natu­ral and cul­tu­ral reser­ve, and the author’s main idea was to har­mo­niou­sly fit the buil­ding into natu­re, not to attract much atten­tion to it, to keep natu­re and the histo­ri­cal buil­dings of the mona­ste­ry as the main object of attention.
The wood is impre­gna­ted with anti-rot and fire-pre­­­ve­n­­tion agen­ts, but is not pain­ted; Over time, it takes on the natu­ral color of old wood and blends in with the sur­roun­ding fore­st. And the mason­ry seams are not fil­led with mor­tar, which gives them a resem­blan­ce to wild sto­nes on a roc­ky shore.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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