Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

st-georg-church-in-heberts­­­hau­­sen / Germany

Mar­kus Kuntscher

Pro­get­ti­sta Mar­kus O. Kuntscher
Loca­tion Am Wein­berg, 85241 Hebertshausen
Nazio­ne Ger­ma­ny
Desi­gn Team

Mar­kus O. Kun­tscher, Architect
Flo­rian Heim, Architect
Susan­ne Haas, Mem­ber of Desi­gn Team

Anno 2020
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

All Pho­tos, Interior&Exterior — Copy­right © Flo­rian Holzherr

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Church buil­dings eve­ry­whe­re are being con­ver­ted, redu­ced in size or adap­ted to new requi­re­men­ts. Rare­ly, howe­ver, is the tran­sfor­ma­tion as fun­da­men­tal as in the case of St. Geor­g’s in Heberts­hau­sen. Here it has encom­pas­sed eve­ry­thing from the land­sca­ping of the wider sur­roun­dings to the addi­tion of a fune­ral hall and the desi­gn of the altar and win­do­ws in the listed church. 

Ini­tial situation

The muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Heberts­hau­sen is loca­ted in the Grea­ter Munich area, 4 km from Dachau. The Church of St. Georg stands on a rid­ge edge in the midd­le of the ceme­te­ry. Fir­st men­tio­ned in 1293, it was rebuilt seve­ral times as a late Roma­ne­sque hall as well as in the Baro­que period. Howe­ver, hard­ly any of the histo­ri­cal inte­rior had been pre­ser­ved, so that it was rela­ti­ve­ly plain, prior to the pro­ject. Sin­ce the con­struc­tion of a new, lar­ger parish church below the edge of the site in the 1960s, St. Georg has ser­ved pure­ly as a ceme­te­ry church, and exten­si­ve struc­tu­ral dama­ge meant that it requi­red com­ple­te renovation.

Church buil­ding

In order to streng­then St. Geor­g’s impor­tan­ce as a ceme­te­ry church, it has been given a new entran­ce on the west side along its lon­gi­tu­di­nal axis. Not only does this allow for much easier access for the disa­bled and elder­ly, it also allo­ws cof­fins to be trans­por­ted insi­de with digni­ty. As the west faca­de stands exac­tly on the slo­pe edge, an exte­rior pla­teau had to be crea­ted onto which visi­tors step out when exi­ting the church. The entran­ce ope­ning and the sub­struc­tu­re of the pla­teau incor­po­ra­te the arch sha­pe that can be found in various forms in the histo­ri­cal buil­dings on the ceme­te­ry grounds, inclu­ding the reti­cu­la­ted vault in the choir room, the Roma­ne­sque win­do­ws of the church, the round-arched win­do­ws of the mor­tua­ry and, last but not lea­st, the ser­ra­ted frie­ze of the church facade.

Insi­de, stairs pre­viou­sly sepa­ra­ted the choir and altar from the nave. Now the new floor rises gra­dual­ly from the west entran­ce towards the choir, lea­ving only two steps to be ascen­ded. Chairs instead of ben­ches make the room fle­xi­ble for dif­fe­rent forms of celebration.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

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