Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

san-jose-cha­­pel / Mexico


Pro­get­ti­sta Hugo Ozu­na & Ana Pineda
Loca­tion Mon­te­mo­re­los, Nue­vo León, México
Nazio­ne Mexi­co
Desi­gn Team

Head archi­tec­ts: Hugo Ozu­na & Ana Pineda.
Other col­la­bo­ra­tors: OCAL­TA, Rosa Tor­res, Juan José Espi­no­sa, Lau­ra Guer­ra, David Flores.

Anno 2022
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

Paco Alva­rez


Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Loca­ted in the cen­ter of the “Madre Tier­ra” field, a pla­ce of oran­ge, avo­ca­do, and lemon crops, whe­re one beholds the moun­tains’ pro­fi­le and the gree­ne­ry of Mon­te­mo­re­los, Nue­vo León. This pro­ject was born of a spi­ri­tual need: build a reflec­tion spa­ce for the fami­ly and the community.
The spi­ri­tua­li­ty, men’s inti­ma­te dimen­sion, calls for a respect­ful and per­cep­ti­ve archi­tec­tu­ral approach. The in-depth stu­dy of Chri­stian litur­gy and the nor­thea­stern coun­try­si­de foun­ded the desi­gn pro­cess of this pro­ject. To reach an appli­ca­ble pro­po­sal, we obser­ved respec­ti­ve reli­gious pro­to­cols and rural set­tings: we ana­ly­zed solar path, wild­li­fe, the seven sacra­men­ts, and the Catho­lic Mass cere­mo­nial rites. The “Capil­la San José” is the solu­tion whe­re faith and the coun­try­si­de coe­xi­st in the same cele­bra­tio­nal space.
Archi­tec­tu­ral Project
Volu­me­try & Program
The cha­pel is a spa­ce of tran­qui­li­ty and cele­bra­tion: a medi­ta­tion pla­ce, a sha­ring pla­ce, a com­mu­ni­ca­ting ves­sel, and an intro­spec­tion refu­ge. The med­ley of the­se trans­la­tes into the pro­ject volu­me­try. Three indi­vi­dual volu­mes that toge­ther beco­me one.
The blocks pla­ced on the extre­mes are great mono­li­ths of solemn expres­sion. They are clo­sed, hea­vy, and wide uni­ts with a gable roof, as histo­ric tra­di­tion dic­ta­tes. The fir­st unit acts as a lob­by, whi­le the last ser­ves as a lava­to­ry and a reli­gious instru­men­ts sto­ra­ge. They are tran­si­tion areas. Both of the­se volu­mes hold and embra­ce the cen­tral hall. The cen­tral hall is see-throu­­gh, elon­ga­ted, and light. Shor­ter than its coun­ter­parts, it empha­si­zes their dif­fe­rent natu­re: this nave is open, warm, and splen­did. Wood clad­ding pil­lars and rec­tan­gu­lar glass win­do­ws fra­me it.
The “Madre Tier­ra” expan­se field is visi­ble from the pari­shio­ners’ ben­ches. They can see the outli­ne of heal­thy trees, the flat line of the cul­ti­va­ted field, and the floa­ting clouds. The archi­tec­tu­re extends the cha­pel and allo­ws the coun­try­si­de to come in. In this cen­tral nave, mas­ses and reli­gious coe­xi­sten­ce take place.
The­re was a need for the con­nec­tions to be sol­ved in a sub­tle and refi­ned way. So it could allow the pro­ject to be under­stan­da­ble as a full pro­po­sal, and as a lin­king of the three auto­no­mous uni­ts. Thus, the pro­po­sal resol­ved the union of volu­mes with long and nar­row, clean win­do­ws that allow day­light to enter and ease the dif­fu­sion bet­ween the various spa­ces of the cha­pel, crea­ting a balan­ce among them, the­re­fo­re buil­ding a syner­gy of
Miguel Hidal­go y Costil­la 122, Lomas de Tam­pi­qui­to, San Pedro Gar­za Gar­cía, Nue­vo León Tel. 8127486336
trans­pa­ren­cy and strength.
The sca­le refrains the pro­ject from monu­men­ta­li­ty; it seeks to be inti­ma­te and acces­si­ble. The dimen­sions fit the human body and sen­ses. The volu­me­try tries to com­mu­ni­ca­te a wel­co­ming fee­ling to any gue­st either it is the prie­st, pari­shio­ners, or marauders.
The cha­pel was desi­gned with the pro­gram­ma­tic inten­tion to cover the seven sacra­men­ts. The lob­by, also kno­wn as the nar­thex, has a con­fes­sio­nal booth to prac­ti­ce Con­fes­sion to the left, and a wall reser­ved for fune­ral alco­ves to the right.
The cen­tral hall can hou­se up to six­ty per­sons, under­stan­ding the pos­si­ble cele­bra­tion of the Con­fes­sion, Holy Orders, and Matri­mo­ny within it. Likewi­se, it has a bap­ti­smal font to per­form the fir­st sacrament.
Light and materials
It was on the fourth day, that God crea­ted the sun, and the moon and spa­red the sky with stars, reflec­ting light into the night. Inspi­red by this bibli­cal event, the lea­ning slabs in the lob­by were per­fo­ra­ted stra­te­gi­cal­ly, ope­ning small sky­lights that simu­la­te a star­ry night. The lob­by is a clo­sed and com­pact unit, in its solemn dar­k­ness, illu­mi­na­ted by natu­ral light that enters throu­gh cavi­ties in the cei­ling, crea­ting the illu­sion that the sky and the stars are recei­ving the cha­pel guests instead of the poli­shed con­cre­te slab.
The local coun­try­si­de holds a warm sim­pli­ci­ty in its land­sca­pes and rou­ti­nes: the time seems to flow cal­mer bet­ween the rivers and the grass. Throu­gh the use of mate­rials and light, this pro­ject sear­ches to imi­ta­te the coun­try­si­de vir­tues. Using tra­ver­ti­ne to wrap and extol the altar, natu­ral pine to cover the cei­lings, poli­shed con­cre­te in the floors, and site sto­ne mason­ry for the cen­tral nave para­pe­ts. San­dy dun pig­men­ted stuc­co enca­ses the exter­nal faces of the buil­ding. The mate­rials are hard but warm, sim­ple but ele­gant, and expo­sed in their mini­mal and natu­ral form. The mate­rial natu­re of this pro­ject looks for, in the end, to grant shel­ter to the beholder.
We crea­ted trans­pa­ren­cy and seriou­sness with the light. The win­dow pla­nes loca­ted bet­ween the volu­mes’ con­nec­tions allow fil­ling the cen­tral nave with a dif­fu­sed light, ele­va­ting the altar.
Miguel Hidal­go y Costil­la 122, Lomas de Tam­pi­qui­to, San Pedro Gar­za Gar­cía, Nue­vo León Tel. 8127486336

About the Author:
Archi­tec­ts Hugo Ozu­na (29) and Ana Pine­da (29) hea­ded the pro­ject. Gra­dua­ted with honors from Mon­ter­rey Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy and Edu­ca­tion, they gai­ned inter­na­tio­nal expe­rien­ce in Spain and Japan by wor­king at Rol­dán + Beren­gue, OAB Car­los Fer­ra­ter, Asei Suzu­ki and Tezu­ka Architects.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

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