Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

ora­­to­­rio-san-pere­­gri­­no / Argentina


Pro­get­ti­sta Seba­stián Cagliero
Loca­tion Miguel David 100. CP 3100. Ciu­dad de Para­ná. Pro­vin­cia de Entre Ríos.
Nazio­ne Argen­ti­na
Desi­gn Team

Archi­tet­to Adrián Peret­ti, Archi­tet­to Seba­stián Caglie­ro, Archi­tet­to Iván Peker.

Anno 2021
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

Rami­ro Sosa

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

It is loca­ted in a very con­so­li­da­ted urban area with high traf­fic in the south of the city of Paraná.
Ini­tial­ly the pla­ce was an unde­ve­lo­ped and unpo­pu­la­ted area, whe­re a small tem­ple was built, with a gable roof and a side tower.
Then the city grew and so did its imme­dia­te con­struc­tion demand. The ini­tial tem­ple was too small for the demand it had to sati­sfy, and they built a lar­ger buil­ding next door to ful­fil­led that pur­po­se. Later, a parish hall, clas­srooms and other faci­li­ties were built. Due to such gro­wth, the ini­tial small tem­ple began to hou­se toi­le­ts for the enti­re com­plex, degra­ding its sym­bo­li­sm and history.
As a result, the imple­men­ta­tion and form of the San Pere­gri­no Ora­to­ry seeks to reclaim and reva­lue the sym­bo­li­sm and the ori­gi­nal mea­ning, for which it is loca­ted in the atrium of the fir­st temple.
The sha­pe of the ora­to­ry is an exten­sion towards the front of the sha­pe of the ori­gi­nal tem­ple, which seeks to sym­bo­li­ze the gro­wth and pre­sen­ce of the reli­gious com­mu­ni­ty in the nei­gh­bo­rhood. The two-slo­­ped roof is tran­sfor­med into a sin­gle one, in order to increa­se the sca­le, prio­ri­ti­zing the new access and giving it a more con­tem­po­ra­ry image.
The ori­gi­nal tower is reco­ve­red and its height is rai­sed, which seeks to allu­de to the spi­ri­tual gro­wth of the com­mu­ni­ty. Insi­de the ora­to­ry, this tower opens to it throu­gh dia­go­nal lin­tels, to increa­se the spa­ce of use and inte­gra­te the two spa­tial volumes.
The inte­rior spa­ce tries to be a pau­se within the con­vul­si­ve rhy­thm of move­men­ts of the envi­ron­ment and dai­ly life, for which we sought to recrea­te an atmo­sphe­re of calm and pea­ce. A stri­p­­ped-down area, whe­re light is the main pro­ta­go­ni­st and atten­dees find rela­xa­tion. It is resol­ved with a shell that com­ple­te­ly sur­rounds this spa­ce and lea­ves only a zeni­thal slit for the entry of natu­ral light, stra­te­gi­cal­ly posi­tio­ned abo­ve the cross and sym­bo­li­zing spi­ri­tual illumination.
In addi­tion to the light, rain also enters throu­gh this afo­re­men­tio­ned ope­ning, thought of as incle­ment wea­ther, which is always pre­sent on the pil­gri­m’s path and in which the spi­ri­tual spa­ce of the ora­to­ry pro­vi­des support.
The mate­rials tries to go in accor­dan­ce with this sym­bo­li­sm of pro­tec­tion, throu­gh a sim­ple con­cre­te and a sto­ne floor. In con­tra­st to this, the tower is sim­ply in white.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici