Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

suve­­la-cha­­pel / Finland

Ans­si Lassila

Pro­get­ti­sta Ans­si Lassila
Loca­tion Kir­stin­tie 24, 02760 Espoo, Finland
Nazio­ne Fin­land
Desi­gn Team

Ans­si Lassila

Iida Hedberg

Juha Pak­ka­la, Tee­mu Hir­vi­lam­mi, Jus­­si-Pek­­ka Vesa­la, Han­­na-Kaa­­ri­­na Heik­ki­lä, Anis Souis­si, Miguel Sil­va, Marit­ta Kukkonen

Anno 2016
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

Exte­rior photos:
1. Mika Huisman
2. Marc Goodwin
3. Mika Huisman
4. Mika Huisman
5. Mika Huisman

Inte­rior photos:
1.–5. Marc Goodwin

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Suve­la Cha­pel is a mul­ti­func­tio­nal buil­ding that offers a spa­ce for the peo­ple of the nei­gh­bo­rhood to use toge­ther regard­less of their reli­gious affi­lia­tion. It is gover­ned join­tly by the Espoo Parish Union, the Swe­dish Parish of Espoo, and the City of Espoo to ser­ve the enti­re com­mu­ni­ty of Suve­la, one of the most mul­ti­cul­tu­ral distric­ts in the Hel­sin­ki metro­po­li­tan region. With rou­ghly one third of the inha­bi­tan­ts being of forei­gn descent, cul­tu­ral diver­si­ty is both a rich poten­tial and a chal­len­ge to the community.
In the desi­gn for the cha­pel and the adja­cent com­mu­ni­ty park, the goal was to crea­te a buil­ding that pro­vi­des a fra­mework for the resi­den­ts to come toge­ther. With an invi­ting and wel­co­ming atmo­sphe­re, it is a buil­ding that is easy to enter into. It hou­ses a ran­ge of fle­xi­bly adap­ta­ble and func­tio­nal spa­ces for a varied ran­ge of acti­vi­ties from mee­tings to even­ts to ser­ve the com­mu­ni­ty both in the eve­ry­day as well as for spe­cial occasions.
All func­tions are pla­ced on one level, and the buil­ding wraps into a sin­gle U‑shaped enti­ty that extends to the peri­me­ter of the plot on the outer faca­de and forms an inti­ma­te inte­rior cour­tyard in the midd­le. The main entran­ce is pla­ced in a cor­ner whe­re the U‑shaped buil­ding opens to the inner cour­tyard. The bel­fry is embed­ded in the main buil­ding volu­me pro­vi­ding fur­ther clo­su­re to the yard. The main cha­pel hall with its auxi­lia­ry spa­ces is loca­ted in the north-east part of the buil­duing. Offi­ces of the parish staff as well as spa­ces for mee­tings and grou­p­work are loca­ted in the midd­le part of the U‑shaped volu­me. Spa­ces for chil­dren and the youth as well as spa­ces that ser­ve the com­mu­ni­ty park are loca­ted in the west part of the buil­ding. The spa­ces occu­pied by the com­mu­ni­ty park face out­ward to the park whi­le all other spa­ces face the yard.
The height of the buil­ding varies grea­tly. The tall cha­pel hall is pla­ced in the cor­ner of the lot. The buil­ding height gets gra­dual­ly lower towards the offi­ce wing and rises higher again in the part clo­se­st to the com­mu­ni­ty park. The buil­ding has a hybrid struc­tu­re with woo­den as well as con­cre­te and steel ele­men­ts. Wood is used also in the inte­rior and exte­rior sur­fa­ces. The pre­sen­ce of wood is most pro­mi­nent in the cha­pel hall whe­re the walls are for the most part cove­red with woo­den scan­tlings. The eni­tre exte­rior shell is clad with cop­per shee­ts cove­ring both the walls and the roof.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici