Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

st-john-the-bap­­ti­­st-cha­­pel / Portugal

jose mor­ga­do

Pro­get­ti­sta José Mor­ga­do
Loca­tion Rua da Mó 3650 081 TOURO
Nazio­ne Por­tu­gal
Desi­gn Team

José Mor­ga­do

Anno 2023
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

José Cam­pos

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Loca­ted in a vil­la­ge in the inte­rior of Por­tu­gal, Tou­ro — Vila Nova de Pai­va. Desi­gned by José Mor­ga­do, a desi­gner who lives and work in the village.
This work was born out of the desi­re and gene­ro­si­ty of the peo­ple of the small vil­la­ge to build a tem­ple dedi­ca­ted to St John the Baptist.
Its mono­li­thic form of expo­sed con­cre­te, torn by ste­reo­to­my and sub­trac­ted from the sty­li­sed form of the “hou­se” sha­pe, is inten­ded to be the home of St John the Bap­ti­st in the vil­la­ge, open to the who­le com­mu­ni­ty. The pre­sen­ce of light, water and earth are natu­ral ele­men­ts, adja­cent to the figu­re of St John, who wears a sim­ple appea­ran­ce indi­ca­ting the streak of light as a divi­ne symbol.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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