Detail of the project ed. 2016

return-of-genius-loci / vn‑a

Design­er  Tuan Dung Nguyen
Loca­tion  Ka Don, Don Duong, Lam Dong, Vietnam
Design Team  

vn‑a visu­al net­work art architecture
Dipl.-Ing. Thu Huong Thi Vu
Dipl.-Ing. Tuan Dung Nguyen

Year  2014
Pho­to credits  

KA-VNA-pe-001.JPG: vn‑a (Nam Phan)
KA-VNA-pe-002.JPG: vn‑a (Nam Phan)
KA-VNA-pe-003.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pe-004.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pe-005.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pi-006.JPG: vn‑a (Huy Bui)
KA-VNA-pi-007.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pi-008.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pi-009.JPG: vn‑a (Nam Phan)
KA-VNA-pi-010.JPG: vn‑a (Nam Phan)

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Which kind of tem­ple should I build to the Lord because the whole world is the work of his hands?
The inten­tion of being home with a huge roof for the folk leads us to the vision of the design. Locat­ed alone on top of a hill with the stretch­ing for­est sur­round­ing, the church immerges itself into this poet­ic land­scape. Only the cross is raised up by the bell tow­er. The actu­al litur­gi­cal church inte­ri­or is formed by the large roof, as a metaphor of the sky roof, which sharply bound­ary above 2000 square meters rep­re­sents a fur­ther exten­sion for 5000 parish­ioners under the pro­tec­tion of God. Under the shad­ow of the veran­da chil­dren can play and learn the cat­e­chism in both dry and rainy sea­son. Inside of the church, the fil­igrant columns define adapt­able litur­gi­cal space from the small to huge vol­ume. Rhythmed with the small wood laths and the columns, nature lets itself to feel inside of the church through its trans­paren­cy. Won­der­ful scener­ies of Lord: the sun, moon, wind, fog, red earth, stars, rain…are the jew­el­ries of the church. Glass pan­els between two lay­ers of wood laths pre­vent the strong wind and let beau­ti­ful land­scape reflect­ed on wall ele­ments. With the high­ly flex­i­bil­i­ties of all the class­rooms, which are around of the main litur­gy room, and the huge veran­da the litur­gy space can be expend­ed to a capac­i­ty of more than 3000 peo­ple. The altar is the sacred fix­a­tion, the whole plateau is holy, and the parish is the church. 

“… As if in light and shad­ow, inside and out­side, pro­tec­tion and width the com­mu­ni­ty can con­gre­gate and cel­e­brate their faith before God … that your church-being is not only lim­it­ed to the build­ing itself, but it finds many dif­fer­ent expres­sions in a vibrant community.” *
*(Extract from the greet­ing by Arch­bish­op Rain­er Maria Car­di­nal Woel­ki from Cologne to con­se­cra­tion of the parish church Kadon on 07/13/2014)

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


