Detail of the project ed. 2016

lukaskirche / AAg Loeb­n­er­Schäfer­We­ber Freie Architek­ten GmbH

Design­er  Ste­fan Loebner
Loca­tion  Heidelberg
Design Team  

AAg Loeb­n­er­Schäfer­We­ber BDA Freie Architek­ten GmbH, Hei­del­berg, Germany

Year  2011
Pho­to credits  

all pho­tos by Thomas Ott, Hei­del­berg, Germany

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The select­ed mate­ri­als are con­crete, wood, met­al and glass.
They are used in a way that they are able to reval their char­ac­ter mak­ing it lit­er­al­ly tan­gi­ble and famil­iar by its usage: authenticity.
Fur­ther­more there ist the form, that on the one hand is fol­low­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ties of the mate­ri­als and on the oth­er hand is giv­ing a frame and expres­sion to the idea of the space. And there is the light, the most impor­tant mate­r­i­al and with it the colour. It “tunes” the space and gives it its tone.
The litur­gi­cal area — includ­ing church, chapel, vestry, room for con­fes­sion and the room for the chil­dren — is cir­cum­cised by a wall made of red coloured con­crete. This slight­ly curved wall, with its mass and steadi­ness, embraces the inner area with a pro­tec­tive ges­ture, out­lin­ing the cen­tral place of the ensem­ble. Out of it the church ris­es as a high, wood­en sculp­ture with a coarse shell of larch. The inte­ri­or sur­faces are cov­ered in wood­en boards as well. The focus is on the shini­ness and warmth of the can­dles ontop of the altar, the walls and roof form the abid­ing ves­sel for this.
A homo­ge­neous, grey con­crete floor binds all areas togeth­er, it forms the mod­est back­ground for the actu­al events.
Seper­at­ed from the struc­ture of the church by a gap of light there is a grey con­crete slab lying on the small­er litug­i­cal rooms and the com­mu­ni­ty hall with its side rooms.
The facade of the com­mu­ni­ty area ist most­ly trans­par­ent and allows a con­nec­tion between the com­mu­nal life and the pub­lic. Straight shapes, grey con­crete and glass are predominating.
The res­i­dence with its stony base of grey con­crete and its also coarse, wood­en shell, forms the coun­ter­part of the church.
The site is mod­elled with mate­r­i­al of the Rhine plain: grav­el, sand­stone, con­crete, wood, wil­lows, grass­es, shrubs and water. The colour­ful­ness of nature dominates.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


