Detail of the project ed. 2016

saint-john-bap­tist-chapel / Ale­jan­dro Beautell, arquitecto

Design­er  Ale­jan­dro Beautell
Loca­tion  El Hier­ro island, Tener­ife, Canary Islands, Spain.
Design Team  

Ale­jan­dro Beautell, architect

Jorge Díaz, junior architect
Eloy Fer­nán­dez, quan­ti­ty surveyor
Manuel Rosa­do, draftsman

Year  2013
Pho­to credits  

All: Efrain Pin­tos, photographer

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The tri­an­gle, or trine, is a poly­gon defined by three ver­tices that in the Chris­t­ian tra­di­tion sym­bol­izes the Mys­tery of the Holy Trin­i­ty — one God in three per­sons. Each of the ver­tices is part of the tri­an­gle, rep­re­sent­ing the mys­tery of God itself: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
So the tri­an­gle becomes a leit­mo­tiv of the project. The altar is placed in the most acute angle of the tri­an­gle and its bisec­tor con­sti­tutes the main axis of the tem­ple. This axis will cov­er the var­i­ous stages of the life of a Chris­t­ian, begin­ning with bap­tism, then becom­ing a part of the assem­bly and fin­ish­ing in the com­mu­nion of the heav­en­ly ban­quet. There­fore, the bap­tismal font, the altar, the taber­na­cle and the cross are aligned, as a metaphor of the line of life.
The life of Saint John Bap­tist, patron saint of the chapel, was an exam­ple of sobri­ety and aus­ter­i­ty. John is por­trayed as an ascetic fig­ure, Jesus coun­tered him with those who \\\“are in roy­al palaces\\\” and \\\“wear fine clothes.\\\” The style of John the Bap­tist should urge all Chris­tians to choose sobri­ety as a way of life. The same way as John defined him­self as \\\“the voice cry­ing out in the desert\\\”, the chapel, that will bear his name, will also protest against the excess­es of the past and will be the pre­cur­sor of a new stream, tes­ti­mo­ny that a new reli­gious art is possible.
Aus­ter­i­ty was not just a moral con­vic­tion, it was a neces­si­ty. We use the mate­ri­als we found in the island… we had no gold, but we had the light, we had no mar­ble, but we worth con­crete, there is not plas­ter fil­i­grees, but plas­ter of tiro­liano serves us, you will not find crys­tal chan­de­liers, but, when night falls, we will light up the bulbs likewise. 

Tener­ife, Canary Islands 14th June 2013.
Ale­jan­dro Beautell, architect.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


