Detail of the project ed. 2016

rore-kahu-mars­­den-cross / Cheshire Archi­tects Ltd

Design­er  Pip Cheshire
Loca­tion  North­ern Bay of Islands New Zealand
Design Team  

Pip Cheshire
Nat Cheshire
Sean Flanagan
Euan Revel

Year  2014
Pho­to credits  

All Pho­tos except \‘Open­ing\’ by Patrick Reynolds, \‘Open­ing\’ by Lloyd Ashton

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

A small shel­ter con­struct­ed of rammed earth and a car­bon fibre roof to mark the site of the first Chris­t­ian ser­mon deliv­ered in New Zealand, an event that is con­sid­ered the first for­mal engage­ment between Euro­pean set­tlers and the coun­try’s indige­nous Maori inhab­i­tants. The shel­ter acts as a place of ori­en­ta­tion with­in the larg­er site of the first engage­ment and a place of reflec­tion and celebration.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


