Detail of the project ed. 2016

mora­­vian-church / 70F architecture

Design­er  Bas ten Brinke
Loca­tion  Amsterdam
Design Team  

Bas ten Brinke
Cari­na Nilsson

Year  2013
Pho­to credits  

Pho­tog­ra­ph­er: Luke Kramer

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Church build­ing for the Mora­vian Church Ams­ter­dam South East.
Wi Eegi Ker­ki (Suri­namese for Our Own Church) is a bea­con of light in this part of Ams­ter­dam (Bijlmer), the poor­est part in town. The yel­low-white church emits light per­ma­nent­ly. Inside how­ev­er, the exact oppo­site hap­pens. The sun­light — or if you pre­fer, the moon­light — enters the church through a huge hid­den sky­light. The reac­tion of one of the vis­i­tors: “It feels like a high­er pow­er watch­es over you.”
Light and the colour white are of great impor­tance in the litur­gy of the Mora­vian Church, the orig­i­na­tor of Wi Eegi Ker­ki. Both have there­fore become the cen­tral ele­ments of the build­ing which — also in line with the litur­gy — is sim­ple in it’s composition.
The entrance and the kitchen are the cen­ter of the church. To the left and right of the entrance are the meet­ing hall and the church hall. On the floor above the meet­ing hall are some flex­i­ble meet­ing rooms.
The place where the vis­i­tor ‘feels’ the litur­gy the most is the church hall. Because the vis­i­tor has to enter the main assem­bly hall by walk­ing under­neath the bal­cony that hangs in the loft, he expe­ri­ences the nine meter high space he even­tu­al­ly enters even larg­er than it actu­al­ly is.
Across the full width of the room is also a 13 meter high tow­er with a sky­light. Through it, indi­rect sun­light falls on the white wall where the vis­i­tor looks at. Where this light actu­al­ly comes from, remains a mys­tery to most vis­i­tors. Dur­ing the ser­vice slow­ly some shad­ows draw on this immac­u­late white rear wall.
The appear­ance of Wi Eegi Ker­ki is sober and intro­vert. On the out­side the church has a strong mono­lith­ic char­ac­ter. The mound on which the church is built, ads to this effect. The inte­ri­or looks orga­nized and clear. 550 sim­ple white chairs are ready for the guests, orna­ments and dec­o­ra­tions are almost non-existent.
Super­vi­sors’ quote: “The Church is in its bold archi­tec­tur­al plas­tic­i­ty and restrained use of mate­ri­als an asset to this district.”

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


