Detail of the project ed. 2016

catholic-church / CZI­TA Architects

Design­er  Tamás Czigány
Loca­tion  ÃšjrónafÅ‘
Design Team  

Tamás Czigány, András Cseh, András Nagy

Year  2014
Pho­to credits  

Tamás Czigány

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Újró­nafő is one of the youngest set­tle­ments in Győr-Moson-Sopron Coun­ty with 850 inhab­i­tants. Its found­ing pop­u­la­tion, who set­tled in dur­ing the 1940‘s from Hajdúböször­mény in East­ern Hun­gary, con­sist­ed most­ly of protes­tants, there­fore no catholic church was built in the vil­lage. In 2011 the parish of 260 catholic believ­ers, sup­port­ed by the bish­op, decid­ed to build an appro­pri­ate­ly small church for the community.

The sin­gle nave space fol­lows a clas­si­cal order; the apsis is raised with one step, the win­dows are placed above eye lev­el. The low­er wing of the vestry is attached to the sim­ple pitched-roof vol­ume of the church. The key ini­tia­tives of the archi­tec­tur­al design con­sist­ed of mak­ing the func­tion­al sys­tem appar­ent in shap­ing the vol­umes, fit­ting the build­ing into the scale of its sur­round­ings and intro­duc­ing har­mo­nious pro­por­tions. The inter­pre­ta­tion of the inte­ri­or space is strong­ly influ­enced by the con­tin­u­ous­ly chang­ing nat­ur­al light conditions.

The 50 cm thick mono­lith­ic brick wall is the main char­ac­ter­is­tic struc­ture of the church. The skin-like white paint­ing allows the brick struc­ture and the even­tu­al­i­ty of hand­craft to appear. The homo­ge­neous use of mate­ri­als, the iden­ti­cal treat­ment of inte­ri­or and out­side sur­faces, and the brick altar and ambo con­nect to the lay­ers of mean­ing defined by the role of the building.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


