Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er Juti Klip­bua
Loca­tion Koh Samui, Suratthani, Thailand
Design Team

Juti Klip­bua

Year 2017
Pho­to credits

Pho­to : 01, 02, 05, 06, 12, 13, 31, 33 by Peer­a­p­at Wimolrungkarat
Pho­to : n1, n2 by Juti Klipbua

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Giv­en the exten­sion of Catholic com­mu­ni­ty and the increas­ing in tourist in Samui island, Suratthani, who wish­es to par­tic­i­pate the mass in the then chapel, Bish­op Joseph Prathan Sri­darun­sil, SDB, came up with the idea to build a new church and name it as Mary Help of Chris­t­ian church. The select­ed archi­tect, whom inspired by the church name, took part of the Holy Bible relat­ing to holy Annun­ci­a­tion of Mary into his design as follow:
LUKE 1:35
In answer the angel said to her: “Holy spir­it will come upon you, and pow­er of the Most High will over­shad­ow you. And for that rea­son the one who is born will be called holy, God’s Son.
LUKE 1:38
Then Mary said: “Look, Jehovah’s slave girl. May it hap­pen to me accord­ing to your dec­la­ra­tion.” At that the angel depart­ed from her.
From the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ, accord­ing to Luke, 1:35 and 1:38, we can see that the appear­ance of Angle to con­vey the Holy mes­sage to Mary the vir­gin was in a hum­ble and sim­ple way yet pow­er­ful. It was to accept the Holy Spir­it to pos­sess her in order to bear the Redeemer in her womb. She sac­ri­ficed her­self as a nat­ur­al mean for human being survival.
“Safe as in moth­er’s womb”
In design­ing the build­ing, the archi­tect intends to con­vey this mes­sage in a sim­ple way with its inter­nal space with light form that cre­ates a feel­ing of secu­ri­ty as in the moth­er womb.
Build­ing exte­ri­or was designed in a com­bined form of pray­ing hands, Angle wings and the Rays of the Holy Spir­it. The use of nat­ur­al light through the sky­light for inte­ri­or light­ing and shad­ow of cloud falling on the walls, rep­re­sent the God mighty that is above all things cre­at­ed by human being. To real­ize this phe­nom­e­na in a hot and humid envi­ron­ment of Samui island, the long and nar­row light voids in com­bin­ing with light weight insu­la­tion con­crete wall run­ning through then were design in order to cre­ate a shad­ow that keep chang­ing with time yet retains the inte­ri­or comfort.
“Inte­grat­ed 2 clas­sic lay­out plans”
The Lay­out plan is basi­cal­ly focus on clas­sic cross plan­ning of tra­di­tion­al church. Inte­grat­ed with sur­round­ing cor­ri­dor plan­ning of tra­di­tion­al Thai’s “Wat”(Temple). This cor­ri­dor act as heat buffer and cre­ate shade to main activ­i­ty area which is more match to trop­i­cal cli­mate of Samui island, South of Thailand.
“No dec­o­ra­tion…… Best decoration”
Since the pur­pose of the church is for pray­ing, the archi­tect intends to min­i­mize the sym­bol­ic dec­o­ra­tion. Hence, the prayers would focus only on sacra­ment and its nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment. Nat­ur­al mate­r­i­al with min­i­mum process are select­ed, eg. white con­crete wall, ter­raz­zo floor, glass, nat­ur­al white oak fur­ni­ture and gray mar­ble, were used for inte­ri­or dec­o­ra­tion. Prayers can humbly enjoy their peace of mind while embrac­ing the Glo­ries of the great Creator.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


