Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er Tet­suya Matsumoto
Loca­tion Kamiya-cho 3–31, 670‑0836 Hime­ji, Japan
Design Team

Tet­suya Matsumoto
Motoa­ki Takeuchi
Farid Ziani

Year 2019
Pho­to credits

all pho­tos cred­its to: ©Stir­ling Elmendorf

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Lus­ter, glit­ter, sparkle, light, shine, and bright are fun­da­men­tals of any mod­ern wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny. The time for writ­ing a new page in people’s life, a white page, all in joy, all in hap­pi­ness, all togeth­er, open to the future, reflect­ing dreams and hopes, reflect­ing the Lus­ter of Life.
The pre­vi­ous Aile-Blanche Chapel, part of La-Vien­­na Wed­ding Cer­e­mo­ny Hall in Hime­ji, Japan, was planned to be replaced by a new one that trans­lates the impor­tance and sig­nif­i­cance of the wed­ding day into phys­i­cal space, a place where to engrave the mem­o­ry of one of the most impor­tant days in life.
Dreams and light were depict­ed as curves and glass, a cloud shaped space for the chapel was enveloped in trans­par­ent curved glass bring­ing day light from all direc­tions. Only the organ space and the tech­ni­cal room are enveloped in a cir­cu­lar white wall at the back of the chapel.
The Chapel opens to the gar­den and the green walls in front. The left side is open to a water basin and lim­it­ed by a green fire wall iso­lat­ing the chapel from the main cer­e­mo­ny hall building.
The Cloud shaped Chapel is all white, a min­i­mal­is­tic ceil­ing free of any tech­ni­cal machiner­ies or equip­ment is sup­port­ed by round columns with a hyper­bol­ic cone head. The same columns sup­port the roof of the approach con­nect­ing the main cer­e­mo­ny hall to the chapel and gives access to the gar­den. The pil­lars on the basin side has a hyper­bol­ic shaped base, cre­at­ing an impres­sion of a float­ing chapel. The water sur­face reflects the float­ing chapel adding more light­ness to the struc­ture and extend­ing the dreams into oth­er dimensions.
The Cloud of Lus­ter Chapel trans­lates the wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny spir­it into a built envi­ron­ment offer­ing noth­ing but a dreamy glis­ter­ing memory.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


