Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er César Guer­rero
Loca­tion Calle Bri­da y Qui­jera SN, Col Fomer­rey 113, Escobe­do, Nue­vo León, México.
Design Team

Project: S‑AR
Archi­tects in charge: Cesar Guer­rero, Ana Cecil­ia Garza
Col­lab­o­ra­tors: Luis Fer­nan­do De la Garza, Gabriela Celis

Year 2019
Pho­to credits

All pho­tos by Ana Cecil­ia Garza Villarreal

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The project is defined as a min­i­mum space to pray and med­i­tate. Sep­a­rat­ed by few meters from the main chapel, this tiny ora­to­ry seeks to cre­ate space to pause and reflect, cre­at­ing a rela­tion­ship with the trees that sur­round­ed the property.
A con­crete struc­ture con­fines the space on 3 of its sides and also forms the floor and roof. One of these sides is bare­ly per­fo­rat­ed to allow the nat­ur­al light, wind and rain fil­ter gen­tly through space. The remain­ing side of the space, com­plete­ly free, give place to the wood­en doors that repeat the shape of the inte­ri­or space indi­cat­ing the access, the mate­r­i­al change and the spa­tial ten­sion between inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or. That way, the con­crete shell pro­tects and the wood­en skin receives and wel­come the visitor.
Inside, a sec­ond struc­ture of wood­en bars finds a place in this niche-like space, seek­ing to echo and con­trast ‑at the same time- the bear­ing struc­ture of con­crete and its lin­ear and mod­u­lar ele­ments. This sec­ond wood­en struc­ture is bent to form the bench, inte­ri­or roof and the back­ground for the min­i­mum altar.
La Prov­i­den­cia responds to the request of the Father Alber­to Lopez Mon­tiel (from the San Rafael Arcan­gel de Mon­ter­rey Parish) to cre­ate and revi­tal­ize pub­lic spaces near­by the chapel through this small archi­tec­tur­al inter­ven­tions, cre­at­ing meet­ing places for the pop­u­la­tion of these neigh­bor­hoods locat­ed at the skirts of Cer­ro del Topo Chico in the north area of the city of Monterrey.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


