Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er Ger­hard Sacher
Loca­tion Ruhe­wald Schloss Tam­bach e.K. Schlos­sallee 7, 96479 Weitrams­dorf OT Tam­bach, Germany
Design Team

Ger­hard Sacher
Eric Locicero

Year 2018
Pho­to credits

Sebas­t­ian Kolm —

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Chapel „ Ruhe­wald Schloss Tambach“
Tam­bach Cas­tle, whose own­er Hein­rich Graf zu Orten­burg runs the “Ruhe­wald Schloss Tam­bach”, is embed­ded in the gen­tly hilly land­scape near the town of Coburg.
The for­est ceme­tery „Ruhe­wald Schloss Tam­bach“ offers peo­ple to find their final rest­ing place in the nature of the for­est. The tree pop­u­la­tion of the for­est ceme­tery has a land­s­capepark-like character.
In many reli­gions and cul­tures the ceme­tery is a sacred place and is usu­al­ly locat­ed in very spe­cial scenic places. Tombs and places of wor­ship are some­times among the old­est tes­ti­monies of human civilization.
In its clear form, the devo­tion­al room fol­lows the pro­por­tions of the gold­en sec­tion accord­ing to the teach­ings of the “Vit­ru­vian Man” by Leonar­do da Vin­ci. It should con­vey sim­plic­i­ty and open­ness and offer vis­i­tors and their sur­vivors a pro­tec­tive cover.
The chapel has a floor space of about 36 square meters and is con­struct­ed as a wood­en con­struc­tion. Sev­en wood­en arch­es ris­ing upwards form the inner space. Start­ing with the low­er arch at the entrance side, whose height of 4.79m is exact­ly the width of the chapel, up to the high­est arch, whose height of 7.75m cor­re­sponds exact­ly to the length of the chapel.
The out­er cladding con­sists of split larch wood shin­gles which will fuse with the envi­ron­ment over the years due to nat­ur­al weath­er­ing. The gen­er­ous­ly glazed gable sides inte­grate the sea­sons into the inte­ri­or and cre­ate dif­fer­ent light­ing moods.
The inte­ri­or con­sists only of 3 sim­ple wood­en bench­es and 3 altar tables.
The court in the front of the chapel takes up the form of the devo­tion­al space in frag­ments and is intend­ed as a tran­si­tion between the for­est cemen­tary and the devo­tion­al space.
Seat­ing stones inlaid in the nat­ur­al area of Bam­berg sand­stones allow vis­i­tors to rest at this place of remem­brance even out­side open­ing hours.
Har­mo­nious­ly inte­grat­ed into the trees of the cemen­tary for­est, this devo­tion­al room will cre­ate an extra­or­di­nary atmos­phere. The clear ori­en­ta­tion of the room and the direct­ing of the view into the for­est cre­ate an inter­play between nature, man and sacred space.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


