Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er Archi­tec­turestu­dio
Loca­tion Créteil
Design Team


Year 2015
Pho­to credits

01_Yves Mernier
02_Yves Mernier
01_Luc Boegly
02_Luc Boegly
03_Luc Boegly
04_Luc Boegly
05_Luc Boegly
06_Luc Boegly
07_Luc Boegly
08_Luc Boegly

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Archi­tec­turestu­dio wished to respect the archi­tec­ture of Charles Gus­tave Stoskopf, typ­i­cal of the eccle­si­ol­o­gy of the 1970s: a church buried in the city. A dia­logue is estab­lished between the two archi­tec­tur­al writ­ings, dif­fer­ent but coher­ent in their geom­e­try. The sil­hou­ette of the orig­i­nal entrance, on a human scale, is linked to the mon­u­men­tal vol­ume of the new project, con­cen­trat­ed on the nave of the cathedral.
The shape of the dome is based on the plan lay­out of the orig­i­nal build­ing. It extends towards the sky in the form of two spher­i­cal shells which, like two hands joined togeth­er, meet above the altar. Tri­bunes can take place in this new space, sig­nif­i­cant­ly increas­ing the capac­i­ty of the cathe­dral. The exist­ing choir is pre­served and the seats are dis­trib­uted around it like a hemi­cy­cle. Dur­ing the day, the stained glass win­dows, locat­ed at the junc­tion of the two hulls, give a colour­ful light to the choir, while at night, the stained glass win­dows illu­mi­nat­ed from inside rep­re­sent the sig­nal in the city of a liv­ing Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ty. The bell tow­er, detached from the build­ing at the cor­ner of the square, punc­tu­ates the entrance to the cathe­dral with its slen­der sil­hou­ette. It restores an urban scale, ensures the inte­gra­tion of the cathe­dral into the city and acts as a spir­i­tu­al sig­nal that ris­es towards the sky. The point­ed dome restores the cathe­dral’s pres­ence and gives a new “face” to the large apart­ment build­ings that make up the dis­trict. The fore­court and the new land­scaped square of the cathe­dral ven­ti­late the sur­round­ing space, requal­i­fy it, while giv­ing a dynam­ic to the parish life.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


