Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er Elke Reichel
Loca­tion Hilde­gard­weg 68, 88662 Über­lin­gen, Baden-Würt­tem­berg, Germany
Design Team

LP 1–5: Reichel Schlaier Architek­ten GmbH
Freie Architek­ten Stuttgart
mit Sebas­t­ian Wock­en­fuss, Stuttgart
LP 6–9: Architek­tur­lokal Sel­bach, Kneer & Partner
Freie Architek­ten mbB, Ravensburg

Year 2018
Pho­to credits

all Pho­tographs: Brigi­da González

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The asym­met­ric build­ing con­sists of two vol­umes. The larg­er part with its steep roof incli­na­tion hous­es the nave and sev­er­al mul­ti-pur­­pose rooms that can be con­nect­ed to the nave by mobile par­ti­tion walls for larg­er ser­vices. The sac­risty and adja­cent rooms are locat­ed in the small­er, flat­ter part. The encom­pass­ing rib­bon of the façade made of dark cement shin­gles recon­nects these two vol­umes into one sin­gle sculpture.
The build­ing is entered through a glazed joint between the two vol­umes, where the rib­bon leads inwards. The foy­er leads vis­i­tors direct­ly into the nave which is bright and wel­com­ing. White plas­ter walls and light maple-wood fur­ni­ture give the space light­ness and tranquility.
The nave is lit by ver­ti­cal, fixed slats in the church hall’s façade con­nect­ed by translu­cent strips of glaz­ing. The façade above this light strip can­tilevers slight­ly to the out­side and thus cre­ates a nar­row gallery that pro­vides space for the organ.
The sim­ple altar made of brushed Jura lime­stone is the cen­tre of the space that has room for 150 wor­ship­pers. A rooflight lights up the wall behind the altar and makes it appear vir­tu­al­ly immaterial.

Thanks to its unique shape, the church build­ing clear­ly sets itself apart from the res­i­den­tial build­ings sur­round­ing it, while form­ing a con­nec­tion between the out­skirts of the city and the adjoin­ing land­scape at the same time. The land­scap­ing is delib­er­ate­ly sub­tle, with only a few trees com­ple­ment­ing the exist­ing landscape.
The church build­ing was built as a sus­tain­able and cost-effec­­tive wood­en frame con­struc­tion. The inner walls are cov­ered with clay build­ing boards and clay plas­ter to improve room cli­mate as well as the lev­el of com­fort in the space.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


