Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er Peter Krebs
Loca­tion Bien­wald­strasse 18, d‑76137, Karl­sruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Design Team

Ste­fanie Schmitt (pro­jectar­chi­tect since 2015), Alexan­der Schilling (pro­jectar­chi­tect till end 2014), Peter Hoff­mann, Ani­ta Michal­s­ki, Phi Long Ngo, Christoph Panz­er. Com­pe­ti­tion: Lena Bedal, Ani­ta Michal­s­ki, Alexan­der Schilling, Ste­fanie Schmitt

Year 2017
Pho­to credits

All Pho­tographs: Brigi­da González

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The Petrus-Jakobus-Church is part of a new ensem­ble togeth­er with a protes­tant Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter and is sit­u­at­ed at the south end of a local mar­ket­place. The brick ensem­ble cre­ates a calm, endur­ing ensem­ble in the neigh­bour­hood. From a dis­tance, the build­ing appears intro­vert­ed, how­ev­er once inside, the spa­tial sequence con­sist­ing of sanc­tu­ary, church hall and two com­mu­ni­ty halls opens up towards a court­yard, which func­tions as a con­nec­tion between the church and the com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter and as the entrance space from out­side. It can be used for an out­side ‚come togeth­er’. The church and the com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter can be opened to this space.

The out­side of the walls is con­struct­ed with bricks and is coat­ed with very thin plas­ter­slur­ry to bright­en up the walls and to refer to the bright flat­build­ings in the neigh­bour­hood. A sequence of tilt­ed roof­seg­ments con­nects the build­ing­parts togeth­er and refers also to the tra­di­tion­al gabled roofs in the neigh­bour­hood. The roof gives the church inte­ri­or it’s shape. 

There are to big win­dows sit­u­at­ed in a light­space above the altar: One win­dow opens to the east and one to the south. The chang­ing light through these both win­dows cre­ates the atmos­phere inside the church through­out the day.

An est-west-sequence of inter­nal court­­yard-spaces with trees in the south­side of the Church and the Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter forms a dis­tance zone to the appart­ment­build­ings sit­u­at­ed in the south, which are the result of a town­plan­ing pro­pos­al in the competition.

An inter­nal east-west ‚street’ con­nects all spaces and ends up (or starts) with the bap­tismal font in the church. Like the altar it is also designed by the archi­tects. The coloured glass­win­dows have been took over from the for­mer church­build­ings. The mate­ri­als in the church are lime­stone, wood, lit­tle met­all and the plas­tered walls with light sil­i­cate paint.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


