Detail of the project ed. 2024

kapelle-ober­bech­in­­gen / Germany

Design­er Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Frank Lat­tke, Architekt BDA
Loca­tion Ober­bechin­gen
Nation Ger­many
Design Team

Lat­tke Architek­ten, Dipl.-Ing. Prof. Frank Lattke
M.Sc. Haoren Wang

Year 2019
Pho­to credits

Pho­to­cre­d­it Eck­hart Matthäus, Wertingen

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The founder’s brief was the design of a chapel in wood with a Chris­t­ian sign, a place to rest along a cycle tri­al. The loca­tion was found in the coun­try side of west­ern Bavaria.
A gen­tly slop­ing hill­side to the north­west, a tri­an­gu­lar shaped site in the cross­road of the trail between Ober­bechin­gen and Wit­tis­lin­gen. The foothills of the Swabi­an Alb in the dis­tance cre­ate bizarre cloud for­ma­tions. The view is wide, the land­scape open and free. In the dis­tance, the high bell tow­ers of the baroque church­es tell of the vil­lages nestling in the gen­tle topog­ra­phy of the landscape.
The chapel is a place of con­tem­pla­tion in the vast­ness of the land­scape, which becomes clear in con­trast to the nar­row­ness of the spa­tial expe­ri­ence. The square room is spanned by a steep, high raftered roof that drops down low over the diag­o­nal. The view through the bars of the inward-slop­ing wall gives an idea of the inte­ri­or. The entrance leads from the low to the high, the ridge above the diag­o­nal car­ries the direc­tion of the room. Inside, gen­tle side light falls through high win­dow slits, the glim­mer of can­dles and a cross. The Chris­t­ian sign, the holy water font and the can­dle­stick are made of bur­nished and brushed tombac sheet, a high­ly cop­per-resis­­tant material.
The tim­ber frame, the untreat­ed board form­work and the end grain floor are made of local spruce. The dove­tail joints of the beams are pre­cise­ly machine-made. The build­ing is a sign of con­tem­po­rary crafts­man­ship that hon­est­ly tells the sto­ry of how it was made.
The chapel above the Dat­ten­hauser Ried was inau­gu­rat­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2019. Almost 2 years lat­er, the build­ing has reached the intend­ed visu­al state. The sur­face of the out­er walls and the steep roof are clad with fine­ly sawn spruce boards, which now appear sil­ver-grey. As the façade has no pro­jec­tions or recess­es, the weath­ered sur­face has changed even­ly. The chapel has now arrived in the gen­tly undu­lat­ing land­scape between Ober­bechin­gen and Wittislingen.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


