Detail of the project ed. 2024

our-lady-of-lour­des-chapel / Japan

Design­er Hiroshi Naka­mu­ra
Loca­tion C27R+PCG, Civic Dr, Ala­bang, Muntinlu­pa, Metro Manila
Nation Philip­pines
Design Team

Hiroshi Naka­mu­ra & NAP [Mr. Hiroshi Naka­mu­ra, Mr. Kohei Omori, Ms. Yi Lok Ivy Ip]

Year 2023
Pho­to credits

Please include the appro­pri­ate cred­its on the cap­tion or description.
Pho­to cred­it: Koji Fujii / TOREAL
Video cred­it: Our Lady of Lour­des Chapel, Philip­pines. Video © Fil­in­vest City, videog­ra­phy by Earl Lasangue

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Our Lady of Lour­des Chapel and Colum­bar­i­um sit on a hill with a riv­er stream flow­ing near­by. Likened to the hill of Gol­go­tha, the chapel is approached by a long mean­der­ing path for vis­i­tors to relive “Via Dolorasa” (path of suf­fer­ing) that fol­lowed the sen­tenc­ing of Jesus Christ’s cru­ci­fix­ion. To illu­mi­nate the feel­ings of the Vir­gin Mary as she embraced the cru­ci­fied Lord Jesus, with a motif of white lily, the archi­tec­ture express­es the form of descent by elim­i­nat­ing any evi­dent struc­tur­al ele­ments such as columns and beams, and detach­ing itself from the earth.

In order to main­tain the shape of the hill as much as pos­si­ble, the nec­es­sary func­tions are buried beneath the ground. The sac­risty, office, restrooms, and chil­dren’s room are planned in the base­ment, while the altar and mor­­tar-shape seat­ing area for 350 peo­ple are set in under the ground lev­el, leav­ing only the cross to pro­trude from the top of the hill. Just as the Vir­gin Mary gen­tly held the cru­ci­fied Jesus Christ on the hill of Gol­go­tha, we aimed to cre­ate an archi­tec­ture that embraces peo­ple in a warm light of compassion.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


