Detail of the project ed. 2024

erloserkirche / Germany

Design­er Joel Har­ris
Loca­tion Derf­flinger­straße 9, 50737 Köln
Nation Ger­many
Design Team

Har­ris + Kur­rle Architek­ten BDA
Part­ner­schaft mbB
Mörikestraße 15
70178 Stuttgart

Joel Har­ris CEO
Bertram Wruck, Project Architect
Ele­na Guer­rero Ogan­do, Architect
Vojtech Bast, Architect

Year 2022
Pho­to credits

Roland Halbe

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Erlös­er Church in Cologne – Wei­den­pesch Ini­tial sit­u­a­tion The start­ing point for the project was the clos­ing of two church sites from the 1960s in favour of a mul­ti­func­tion­al new devel­op­ment on the site in Cologne — Weidenpesch.

In short, a new hybrid was cre­at­ed with a church, com­mu­ni­ty cen­tre, com­mu­ni­ty office, flats and day-care cen­tre. Har­ris + Kur­rle Architek­ten won the under­ly­ing archi­tec­tur­al com­pe­ti­tion in 2015.

Build­ing In terms of urban space, the build­ing makes an expres­sive state­ment in its sur­round­ings. Due to its com­pact­ness, it does not appear out of scale at all, despite the slight­ly exposed height devel­op­ment com­pared to the sur­round­ings. On the con­trary, it clear­ly defines the church square and for­mu­lates the intend­ed radi­ance to the out­side. This effect is sup­port­ed by the invit­ing ges­ture of the entrances gen­er­ous­ly cut into the façade.

To sup­port the com­pact­ness of the struc­ture, the closed exte­ri­or sur­faces are clad homo­ge­neous­ly with a sand-coloured clink­er brick. The church win­dows, bell tow­er and the two entrance por­tals are high­light­ed by an orna­men­tal shap­ing of the brick sur­faces to empha­sise the sacred char­ac­ter of the building.

The two entrances are divid­ed into a “sacred” entrance from the place of wor­ship and an entrance for “pro­fane” uses to Derf­flinger street.

If nec­es­sary, the lob­by and the group rooms can be con­nect­ed to the wor­ship space via mobile par­ti­tion walls.

The cen­tral design ele­ment of the church inte­ri­or is nat­ur­al light. The fol­low­ing light­ing sit­u­a­tions are provided:

- Direct light from the south via the window.

- Zenithal light above the cross area, from above as a ref­er­ence to the sky.

The organ from the Philipp Nico­lai Church, the church loca­tion that was aban­doned in favour of the new build­ing, was reused for the new building.

Around the two-storey church, accessed by three inde­pen­dent stair­cas­es, are the day­care cen­tre on the gar­den floor, fur­ther rooms of the church com­mu­ni­ty on the first floor and a total of 9 flats on the first to the fourth floors: The day-care cen­tre is clear­ly struc­tured by a cen­tral access and mul­ti-pur­­pose room, through which all group and side rooms are accessed.

From the youth room on the first floor, there is a veiw into the wor­ship space to inte­grate chil­dren and young peo­ple into the life of the congregation.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


