Detail of the project ed. 2024

kolumbarium-gelo%cc%88bniskirche-maria-schutz-kaiserslautern / Germany

Design­er Dirk Bay­er und Andrea Uhrig
Loca­tion Bis­mar­ck­str. 63 67655 Kaiserslautern
Nation Ger­many
Design Team

bay­er | uhrig Architek­ten PartGmbB
Prof. Dirk Bay­er Architekt BDA
Prof. Andrea Uhrig Architek­tin BDA
Project management:
Dipl.Ing. Jeanette Wun­der Architektin

Year 2022
Pho­to credits

Michael Heinrich
Ris­serko­gel Straße 6
81673 München

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Church­es are spe­cial places where we can come to rest and renew our strength, they are iden­ti­­ty-for­m­ing and have a social sig­nif­i­cance beyond their actu­al sacral func­tion. The idea was to inte­grate a colum­bar­i­um into the church and to adapt the premis­es to this expand­ed use in the course of a ren­o­va­tion. Con­trary to cur­rent trends, the church will not become a bur­ial church, but will con­tin­ue to be used as a pas­toral church. This exten­sion of use suc­ceeds in giv­ing the rooms a new qual­i­ty holistically. 

The urn walls are arranged in the side aisles orthog­o­nal­ly to the out­er walls. Ten small chapels are cre­at­ed in the sacred space. The new spa­tial struc­ture is respect­ful­ly inte­grat­ed into the rhythm. Inti­mate places are cre­at­ed that nev­er­the­less relate to the large space. In the course of the reded­i­ca­tion of the cor­ner chapels, the bap­tismal font as the entrance to the Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ty is now locat­ed in the entry area. Where parish life and com­mu­ni­ty cel­e­bra­tions also take place, the pas­toral church wel­comes the deceased into its midst. The pas­toral and spa­tial con­cept reflects the fact that life and death are inex­tri­ca­bly linked.

The over­ar­ch­ing theme for the urn walls is the abstrac­tion of the rosette. Colours are used with extreme restraint and are reserved for the his­tor­i­cal ele­ments. The result is a space of great clar­i­ty, peace, strength and warmth that car­ries us into the future.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


