Detail of the project ed. 2024

igre­­ja-do-divi­no-sal­­vador / Portugal

Design­er Vítor Bar­ros
Loca­tion Av. Luís Teles de Mene­ses, 4590–297, Frea­munde, Por­to, Portugal
Nation Por­tu­gal
Design Team

Vítor Bar­ros (Lead Archi­tect), Pedro Fer­nan­des (Design­er), Ana Bas­tos Vieira (Senior Archi­tect), Caio Cham­ma (Junior Archi­tect), Domini­ka Skrý­val­ová (Junior Archi­tect), Mar­tin Rich­navský (Junior Architect).

Year 2019
Pho­to credits

All Pho­tos and Video by Alexan­der Bogorodskiy

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The project of Divi­no Sal­vador church was born from the study of the litur­gi­cal Chris­t­ian space evo­lu­tion and from an atten­tive look and com­pre­hen­sion of the com­plex mor­phol­o­gy of the inter­ven­tion site.
A base built by gran­ite walls extends from the sur­round­ings, sus­tain­ing the tem­ple. A new dis­tri­b­u­tion church­yard sep­a­rates, both func­tion­al­ly and vol­u­met­ri­cal­ly, the new church from the mul­ti­pur­pose build­ing, like an exte­ri­or antecham­ber which invites users to silence and self-com­­mu­nion. At the church­yard stands out the sky, the sound of the olive tree leaves swept by the wind and the run­ning water of a fountain.
A glass door appears as a metaphor for an open and tol­er­ant Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ty, invit­ing any­one who enters the church­yard to be part of one big shar­ing family.
Inside, the pres­bytery and the nave rise towards God by the large ver­ti­cal cleresto­ry which draws the res­ur­rec­tion of Christ through its glazed and lumi­nous walls. The cleresto­ry is also the call­ing ele­ment of the church, as it sub­sti­tutes the tra­di­tion­al steeples. In the new church, the call­ing is done by the light instead of the sound.
The two side aisles end up on two ver­ti­cal chapels that hold the taber­na­cle and the bap­tis­tery. Both chapels rep­re­sent the unique­ness rela­tion between the sacra­ments and God.
The Mor­tu­ary Chapel, locat­ed on the north side of the build­ing, has its entrance by the yard of the old Moth­er Church of São Sal­vador, con­fer­ring uni­ty to the old street pro­file and assur­ing a con­tin­u­ous use of the old build­ing for mourn­ful celebrations.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


