Detail of the project ed. 2024

expan­­sion-project-moth­­er-of-god-of-ros­er-parish / Spain

Design­er guiller­mo maluenda
Loca­tion AV. EUROPA 74, 08290 Cer­dany­ola, BARCELONA, SPAIN
Nation Spain
Design Team

guiller­mo malu­en­da, archi­tect. Eritha­cus architects 

Alber­to Perez Montes, arch.

Sulkin&Marchissio, archs.

Year 2015
Pho­to credits


Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The Chapel of the Blessed Sacra­ment, con­nect­ed to the Church’s north façade, is a small side chapel designed as an exten­sion of the cur­rent church. It can hold up to 40 peo­ple with­in its 100.00 sqm. This project was con­ceived as a place to incite prayer, qui­et con­tem­pla­tion and to pro­vide inner peace for those who visit.
The square floor plan of the side chapel is lit by nat­ur­al light that comes from above defin­ing there­fore three of its four sur­round­ing walls. In order to avoid dis­trac­tions the open­ings to the out­side are min­i­mal. This space includes a ceil­ing made of wood slats that ends in the fourth wall where the high altar and taber­na­cle are. Both places, as a cen­tral point, are held in a favourable atmos­phere in a two-lev­­el half-domed vault.
Bare con­crete is the fin­ish of the new build­ing, cre­at­ing a con­trast with the pre-exis­­tance. Yet it main­tains some of the height, colour and tex­tur­al char­ac­ter­is­tics such as the great stone plinth and the lat­tice win­dows. Pol­ished con­crete is alter­nat­ed with a beige con­crete cane fin­ish –present in the rock plinth.
The notable hor­i­zon­tal­i­ty of the old parish is con­trast­ed by the two-lev­­el vault locat­ed in the new side of the chapel. With the end of the pavement’s curved shape they end up being nat­u­ral­ly linked.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


