Detail of the project ed. 2024

new-st-luke-and-st-matthew-church­es / Germany

Design­er Flo­ri­an Schlüter
Loca­tion Brun­nen­weg 102, 63071 Offen­bach, Germany
Nation Ger­many
Design Team

Flo­ri­an Schlüter
Clau­dia Meixner
Mar­tin Wendt
Mar­tin Gold­ham­mer (project architect)
Antho­ny Moiba
Arno Noack
Miri­am Rollwa

Year 2023
Pho­to credits

All pho­tos:
© Christoph Kraneburg

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Fol­low­ing the merg­er of St. Luke’s and St. Matthew’s parish­es, the exist­ing ensem­ble con­sist­ing of the day care cen­tre and St. Luke’s Church will be sup­ple­ment­ed by the new church square, the new parish hall and the new out­side church. The new­ly emerg­ing ensem­ble reflects the typ­i­cal process­es of farewell and appro­pri­a­tion. As if on a time­line, a kind of build­ing his­to­ry unfolds from west to east, which has an open, promis­ing end with the out­side church. All seg­ments are con­nect­ed to each oth­er through large openings.
The new church square with out­door altar is a dis­tri­b­u­tion space for vis­i­tors to the church and parish hall and offers space for social inter­ac­tion such as cel­e­bra­tions and church services.
The parish hall is giv­en its sig­nif­i­cance by the strik­ing sky­light. This is where the parish hall is locat­ed for var­i­ous activ­i­ties — includ­ing church services.
The out­er church offers a pro­tect­ed space — only the view upwards remains unob­struct­ed. A larg­er sky­light cre­ates an urban high point, sim­i­lar to the clas­sic church tow­er. It allows atmos­pher­ic light to enter the out­er church and cre­ates a spir­i­tu­al moment.
The altar, ambo and lad­der to heav­en con­tin­ue the archi­tec­tur­al struc­ture of the out­er church — the com­mon mate­r­i­al of exposed con­crete merges the fur­nish­ings and build­ing into a sculp­tur­al unit.
The out­er church as a built inter­me­di­ate state, ambiva­lent­ly leg­i­ble, man­i­fests the proces­su­al with struc­tur­al means — it points to the future as a space of possibility.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


