Detail of the project ed. 2024

church-of-the-holy-fam­i­­ly / Brazil

Design­er André Vel­loso Ramos
Loca­tion Park Way Quadra 27 A/E 4, Brasília — DF
Nation Brazil
Design Team

Author­ship: André Vel­loso, Eder Alen­car and Luciana Sabóia.
Col­lab­o­ra­tors: Paulo Vic­tor Borges and Mar­gari­da Massimo.
Interns: Rodri­go Rezende, Pedro San­tos and Julia Huff.

Year 2022
Pho­to credits

Joana França

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The archi­tec­tur­al con­cept adopt­ed unfolds itself from the rela­tion­ship between spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, nature, and com­mu­ni­ty. Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty com­mu­ni­cates itself in the Catholic reli­gion through its rites, cel­e­bra­tions, and sacred sym­bols. The sacred sense stands and ren­o­vates itself through the sen­si­tive con­tact of nature, which evokes the divine pres­ence and the inte­gra­tion with the cos­mos. Archi­tec­ture, on its turn, has been the priv­i­leged space of man­i­fes­ta­tion of the sacred by the per­son who occu­pies it, where the light pen­e­trates del­i­cate­ly or where the silence of the stone man­i­fests itself in the mur­mur of the prayers. The cir­cu­lar nave brings as a con­cept this ges­ture of wel­com­ing, as it approx­i­mates the altar to the congregation.
Nat­ur­al light pen­e­trates through the roof cir­cu­lar ring, trans­form­ing the inter­nal space of the nave, which is dis­posed half lev­el below the nat­ur­al height of the plot. This allows the over­flow of the land­scape through a small open­ing aligned to the ground floor, at the same time that it pre­serves the inti­ma­cy of the inter­nal space. Such a fea­ture is only pos­si­ble due to the ele­va­tion of the cir­cu­lar con­crete vol­ume, sus­pend­ed by six pil­lars that belong to the struc­tur­al foun­da­tion implant­ed in the topog­ra­phy. By reveal­ing the pres­ence of the hori­zon, the archi­tec­ture becomes a con­sti­tu­tive ele­ment of the land­scape, an open­ing to the poet­ic dimen­sion of the world, con­nect­ing the mate­r­i­al real­i­ty to its spectator’s gaze.
The gen­er­at­ing out­line of the design is deter­mined by to main axes. The north­west-south­east axis con­nects the cir­cu­lar nave, the annex, and the exist­ing build­ing to the back, where the parish activ­i­ties are locat­ed. Along its exten­sion, there is a lin­ear square, a space fac­ing the city, which serves as sup­port to the errat­ic route of those who are immersed in the rit­u­al­is­tic act or even the trav­el­er on the road, in the search for the sus­pen­sion of the every­day life or for a refuge from the tor­ments of being. Per­pen­dic­u­lar­ly, the north­east-south­west axis pre­serves the con­tem­pla­tive view: the cross­ing of the line of the hori­zon with the ver­ti­cal vol­ume of the cam­panile sig­nals and guides the vis­i­tor or those who cross the high­way in full speed at a distance.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


