Detail of the project ed. 2024

pres­bi­te­rio-do-recin­­to-de-ora­­cao / Portugal

Design­er Paula San­tos
Loca­tion Cova da Iria, Fáti­ma, Portugal
Nation Por­tu­gal
Design Team

Paula San­tos | arqui­tec­tura, Lda

Year 2017
Pho­to credits

001 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
002 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
003 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
004 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
005 — Nel­son Garrido
101 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
102 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
103 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
104 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
105 — Fer­nan­do Guerra

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The Cen­te­nary of the Appari­tions of Fati­ma and the vis­it of the Pope Fran­cis­co on the 13th of May 2017, jus­ti­fied the project and the con­struc­tion of the new Out­door Altar in the Prayer Area of Fati­ma, a per­ma­nent work for out­door ceremonies.
The exte­ri­or Out­door Altar includes in the low­er floor a Sac­risty, a Chapel of the Sacred Reserve and sup­port areas for the priests.
The project also allowed the mobil­i­ty for the dis­abled to the old Basil­i­ca, the improve­ment of the exist­ing colon­nades and the redesign of the stair­case to access all reli­gious structures.
A fiber­glass cov­er coat­ed on both sides was stud­ied by the team project with INE­GI. The cov­er has 600 m² of sus­pend­ed area, sup­port­ed only by a block of white con­crete with­in which are all tech­ni­cal and ver­ti­cal accesses.
The build­ing’s archi­tec­ture has the inter­ven­tion of Fil­ip Moroder for the Image of Christ, João Mendes Ribeiro for the litur­gi­cal places and Fer­nan­da Fra­gateiro for the sculp­ture Matéria Espiritual.
The archi­tec­tur­al inter­ven­tion has a grand sceno­graph­ic impor­tance in a sacred place and we intend­ed it to result sub­lime and har­mo­nious in the vast pray­ing square.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


