Detail of the project ed. 2024

church-of-our-lady-of-apare­­ci­­da / Brazil

Design­er Eduar­do Faust
Loca­tion Rua San­ta Cata­ri­na. CEP 78875–000 — Gaucha do Norte MT
Nation Brazil
Design Team

Mara Maz­zu­co
Yuri Faust

Year 2022
Pho­to credits

Faust Arquite­tu­ra

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The assem­bly and bench­es of con­cel­e­brants sur­round the altar, remind­ing us of ancient paleo-Chris­t­ian paint­ings, where Christ and the apos­tles enjoy the last sup­per around a table. This arrange­ment helps us under­stand the active par­tic­i­pa­tion of liv­ing stones in the cel­e­bra­tion. 4 rivers. I cre­at­ed the altar so that its design meets these two dimen­sions: the weight of the sac­ri­fi­cial altar; and the table for­mat of the Eucharist. I used the manger as inspi­ra­tion for the draw­ing so we sym­bol­i­cal­ly linked the begin­ning of Jesus’ life (the nativ­i­ty) with his passion.
Around the pres­bytery we have the ambu­la­to­ry design and two chapels: The Bap­tism Chapel, and the chapel of the patron saint of Brazil; Our Lady of Aparecida.
The stained glass win­dows that sur­round the entire church were designed to rep­re­sent the waters of two rivers. The Xin­gu Riv­er that cross­es the ter­ri­to­r­i­al space of the city of Gaúcha do Norte, and the waters of Paraí­ba where the patron saint Nos­sa Sen­ho­ra Apare­ci­da was fished.
The church in the shape of a Greek cross has at its 4 ends: 3 entrances with 3 atri­ums. On the main axis, we have the chapel of the most holy, which in the paint­ing respects the traits of the indige­nous eth­nic­i­ties of the Xin­gu reserve, and the main entrance, and on the oth­er axis, we have the tree of life sym­bol­iz­ing Ter­tu­liano’s phrase (The blood of the mar­tyrs is the seed of new Chris­tians). At the oth­er end, the Meno­rah sym­bol­izes the 7 gifts of the Holy Spir­it and on it the dove of Pen­te­cost. This cross divides the build­ing into 4 wings. Rep­re­sent­ing the 4 evan­ge­lists, each wing sees bib­li­cal pas­sages telling accounts of the life of Jesus described by each evangelist.
Inside the cross we have the roof struc­ture with a wood­en struc­ture rep­re­sent­ing the region­al, the pro­duc­ers of Gaúcha do Norte, this tan­gle of wood­en pieces rep­re­sent the rich flo­ra of the state of Mato Grosso.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


