Detail of the project ed. 2024

church-in-the-name-of-the-icon-of-the-moth­­er-of-god-mam­­mal / Montenegro

Design­er Andrey Anisi­mov
Loca­tion 10, Shosse­j­naya st., Okoli­ca, Min­skaya oblast’, 223005
Nation Belarus
Design Team

The author of the project idea is Arch­priest Fr. Andrey Kuzma.
The chief archi­tect, co-author of the project and con­struc­tion man­ag­er is Andrey Anisimov.
Lead­ing archi­tect — Anas­ta­sia Tikhanovskaya.
Sculp­tor — Ana­toly Komelin.

Year 2017
Pho­to credits

Andrey Kuz­ma

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The church is locat­ed near the small set­tle­ment of Raubichi in the sub­urbs of Min­sk, the cap­i­tal of Belarus, on the way from the air­port to the city. A very good place on a high hill against the back­drop of a for­est, and against this back­ground the white. sculp­tur­al sil­hou­ette of the tem­ple looks like a fairy-tale castle.
The main the­o­log­i­cal idea of this archi­tec­tur­al com­po­si­tion is the uni­ty of man and woman before God, there­fore the two church vol­umes are con­nect­ed and almost equal in size, and the bell tow­er crowns them, as Christ crowns the newlyweds.
The three main vol­umes are con­nect­ed by low vol­umes of porch­es, gal­leries and altar aps­es with flat roofs ris­ing from west to east.
The slop­ing brick walls are laid out with enta­sis, which gives a refined sil­hou­ette, as does the curvi­lin­ear shape of the bell tow­er roof cone.
The facades have uneven brick­work with thin plas­ter. The domes are made from crum­pled sheets of lead.
The walls and vaults of the altars are made of nat­ur­al stone and old bricks left over from the dis­man­tling of three dif­fer­ent build­ings from the 19th cen­tu­ry. Low par­ti­tions sep­a­rate the altar spaces from the litur­gi­cal hall, but do not block the view and visu­al par­tic­i­pa­tion in the litur­gy. The bar­ri­er of the main tem­ple is made of lime­stone with carved scenes by sculp­tor Ana­toly Komelin. His bas-reliefs dec­o­rate the walls both in the inte­ri­or and on the facades.
Sac­ri­fi­cial tables are made of sol­id stone blocks.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


