Detail of the project ed. 2024

agri-chapel / Japan

Design­er YU Momoe­da
Loca­tion 2671–1 Yot­sue Nagasa­ki 851‑1123 Japan
Nation Japan
Design Team

YU Momoe­da, Yuko Abe, Takayo Fuchigami/ YU Momoe­da Architects

Year 2016
Pho­to credits

Yousuke Hari­g­ane

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

This is a Japan­ese-wood­en chapel with a frac­tal struc­ture sys­tem. The site is sur­round­ed by a large nation­al park over­look­ing the sea. We tried to con­nect the activ­i­ty of the chapel to the nat­ur­al sur­round­ings seam­less­ly. In Nagasa­ki, there is an old­est wood­en goth­ic chapel in Japan known as “Ohu­ra-Ten­shu­­dou”. This chapel is not only a famous tourist point, but a place loved and cared by the towns­folk. We tried to design the build­ing as a new goth­ic style chapel, by using Japan­ese wood­en sys­tem. We cre­at­ed a pen­den­tive dome by pil­ing up a tree-like unit that extends upward by shrinking*1 and increas­ing. Start­ing by four 120mm square pil­lars units, the sec­ond lay­er is com­posed by eight (4+1/2*8) 90mm square pil­lars units, and the last lay­er by six­teen 60mm square pil­lars units. We could pro­vide usable open space by reduc­ing the pil­lars near floor lev­el. These tree-like units are con­struct­ed by Japan­ese wood­en sys­tem. The four cor­ner bear­ing walls under­take the hor­i­zon­tal force, and the inner wood­en unit sup­ports roof load which count up to 25 tons. This includes char­ac­ter­is­tics seen in goth­ic chapels such as 1.Three lay­ered com­po­si­tion, 2.Nave/ Side cor­ri­dor, 3.45 degrees rota­tion, which inte­grates struc­ture, space, and inte­ri­or.  *1 Shrink­ing by a/√2, rotat­ing 45°

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


