Detail of the project ed. 2024

eden-holi­­ness-church / South Korea

Design­er Dongkyu Choi
Loca­tion Incheon
Nation South Korea
Design Team
Year 2023
Pho­to credits

Yong­su Kim

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Role of the Church in a Uni­formed Cityscape
Due to the rede­vel­op­ment of the res­i­den­tial area of Sip­­jeong-dong in Incheon, the exist­ing Eden Church was relo­cat­ed to the new city. Eden Church is now sit­u­at­ed between a wide road that runs through the city of Incheon and an ele­men­tary school. The high-rise apart­ment com­plex­es behind the church cre­ate an over­bear­ing and dense­ly packed urban envi­ron­ment. As a pub­lic venue in a dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed city, Eden Church is rec­og­nized as a com­fort­able pub­lic gath­er­ing place.
The Curve that Embraces the Community
Through its curved sur­face, the build­ing itself embraces the sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ty. This curved facade guides res­i­dents of the near­by apart­ment build­ings to nat­u­ral­ly access the church facil­i­ties and the pub­lic open space. The tow­er of the cross, ris­ing with a gen­tly curved sur­face, gives the church its sym­bol­ism, while the glass win­dow that pen­e­trates the curved sur­face and pro­trudes towards the front allows the church to com­mu­ni­cate with and be open to the com­mu­ni­ty and res­i­dents. The build­ing mate­r­i­al is low‑e dou­ble-lay­ered glass cov­ered with stone mon­u­ments, ensur­ing the open­ness of the church and cre­at­ing a warm atmos­phere in a city sur­round­ed by a con­crete jungle.
Com­mu­ni­ty Facil­i­ty for the Neighborhood
The entry space and low­er-lev­­el spaces are open to both church mem­bers and local res­i­dents, so every­one feels free to enter. The low­er floor, which con­sists of neigh­bor­hood liv­ing facil­i­ties, a book cafe, and a cen­tral chapel where var­i­ous events and small gath­er­ings can be held, is designed to allow entry through Sang­­jeong-ro (15m road). The entrance area, sur­round­ing the main entrance, allows peo­ple using the church to flow through its soft curves active­ly. The stand-type main wor­ship room fur­ther reduces the bound­aries between pas­tors and believers.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


