Detail of the project ed. 2024

ren­o­­va­­tion-of-the-protes­­tant-church-reichartshausen / Germany

Design­er Arno Klinken­berg
Loca­tion Hin­tere Straße 2, 74934, Reichartshausen, Baden — Württemberg
Nation Ger­many
Design Team

Arno Klinken­berg
Kat­ja Bathon

Year 2023
Pho­to credits

Pho­to­graph of all Pho­tos: Wern­er Huth­mach­er, Berlin Germany

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

This com­pe­ti­tion win­ning design con­cept is based on the inter­play of mate­r­i­al and light, as well as the con­nect­ing col­ored chairs.
Required was the instal­la­tion of a com­mu­ni­ty room in the area “Under the Gallery” which is spa­tial­ly devel­oped to cor­re­spond with the oppo­site choir area. The main entrance con­tin­ues to serve as the main access point for the new mul­ti­pur­pose room. This entrance allows step­ping into the sacred space with a focus on the apse.
Wood­en pan­els wrap around the three out­er sides of the new com­mu­ni­ty room like a ribon, cre­at­ing a sense of calm­ness and intimacy.
The fourth Wall of the com­mu­ni­ty room can be sep­a­rat­ed from the sacred space by slid­ing elements.
The choir area has been extend­ed into the church­es space to posi­tion the altar clos­er to the com­mu­ni­ty and allow for more flex­i­ble use of the altar space.
The steps lead­ing to the apse form the floor of the choir and merge into the back wall to con­tin­ue there as a ver­ti­cal ele­ment, sim­i­lar to an altar­piece. The ambo, East­er can­dle, and side table echo this struc­ture of the new altar­piece, rein­forc­ing the uni­ty of these elements.
In con­trast, the new altar stands as a focal point in the new prin­ci­pal fam­i­ly and rests mono­lith­i­cal­ly in the choir area.
With its uni­form tri­par­ti­tion, the altar can be flex­i­bly posi­tioned in the church space to meet the new needs of the church community.
As a nod to the sur­round­ing orchards, the red­dish pear wood was cho­sen as the con­sis­tent mate­r­i­al for the vis­i­ble fit­tings of the com­mu­ni­ty room and the design of the altar area with its prin­ci­pal elements.
The col­or con­cept of the chairs is derived from the low­er stained glass of the apse, which holds sig­nif­i­cant mean­ing for the church com­mu­ni­ty. Dif­fer­ent fur­ni­ture vari­a­tions and col­or com­bi­na­tions of the chairs can cre­ate a con­stant­ly chang­ing and vibrant spa­tial atmos­phere and sense of identity.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


