Detail of the project ed. 2024

mun­­mak-mis­­­sion-cen­ter-church / South Korea

Design­er Dongkyu Choi
Loca­tion Won­ju City
Nation South Korea
Design Team
Year 2019
Pho­to credits

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Sevit Sis­ters’ Cen­ter is a retire­ment home for retired female Protes­tant mis­sion­ar­ies. These women ded­i­cat­ed their lives to mis­sion­ary work in dis­tant and unfa­mil­iar fields such as India, Indone­sia, Africa, and Japan. Despite their devo­tion, many find them­selves far from their fam­i­lies and with­out a place to stay in their lat­er years.

The estab­lish­ment of this cen­ter was ini­ti­at­ed by a dona­tion from Pro­fes­sor Joo Seon-ae of Jangsin Uni­ver­si­ty, which inspired the nation­al Protes­tant com­mu­ni­ty to con­tribute. The land for the cen­ter was donat­ed by the descen­dants of Pas­tor Hwang Deok-ju, who was mar­tyred in the vil­lage dur­ing the Kore­an War.

The cen­ter pro­vides sin­­gle-per­­son lodg­ing, a restau­rant, and a small chapel that can accom­mo­date about 40 peo­ple. Ini­tial­ly, the court­yard was planned to be a gar­den, but due to con­cerns that it might become too much like a street for elder­ly res­i­dents, it was changed to a pond. A del­i­cate stone placed in one cor­ner of the pond gives the impres­sion of a large ocean, imag­in­ing it as a pro­trud­ing island.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


