Detail of the project ed. 2024

arre­­di-sac­ri-per-la-chiesa-del­la-res­ur­rezione-di-ses­­to-san-gio­­van­ni / Italia

Design­er Cino Zuc­chi
Loca­tion Via Pisa, 37, 20099 Ses­to San Gio­van­ni MI
Nation Italia
Design Team

Cino Zuc­chi Architetti

Year 2023
Pho­to credits

Gior­gio Martellono

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Fol­low­ing the design and com­ple­tion of the Christ’s Res­ur­rec­tion Church in Ses­to San Gio­van­ni in 2010, Cino Zuc­chi Architet­ti was asked to design the sacred fur­ni­tures for the reli­gious func­tions of the church.

The CZA team engaged the design—from con­cept to execution—of five spe­cif­ic ele­ments to be placed in the Pres­bytery and anoth­er des­ig­nat­ed area. These ele­ments com­prise the altar with a pre­del­la, the ambo, the Eucharis­tic cus­to­di­an, the cel­e­bran­t’s seat, and the bap­tismal font. Char­ac­ter­ized by clean and under­stat­ed forms, enriched by nich­es and curves. These fea­tures, com­bined with the jux­ta­po­si­tion of mate­ri­als such as stone, met­al, and wood, ensure over­all uni­for­mi­ty while pre­serv­ing the dis­tinct essence of each one
The Altar is con­ceived as a mono­lith­ic ele­ment fea­tur­ing four nich­es, posi­tioned on each front and designed in ele­va­tion as arch­es with a low­ered pro­file. The cho­sen mate­r­i­al is a recon­sti­tut­ed stone ter­raz­zo in light tones and fine grain, cre­at­ing the impres­sion of a cohe­sive and seam­less ele­ment in its continuity.
The Eucharis­tic cus­to­di­an stands on its stone pedestal designed sim­i­lar­ly to the altar and ambo. Atop this pedestal emerges anoth­er com­po­nent, craft­ed from the same mate­r­i­al, char­ac­ter­ized by a cir­cu­lar plan and a hol­low inte­ri­or to house the Eucharis­tic offer­ing. Crowned with a met­al cross, this sym­met­ri­cal shape includes an open­able cov­er made of pol­ished brass with a gild­ed fin­ish and sub­tle sur­face detailing.”
The Ambo, also craft­ed from recon­sti­tut­ed stone ter­raz­zo in light tones, adopts the shape of a free­stand­ing stele sit­u­at­ed at the left cor­ner of the Pres­bytery; two nich­es carved into the cor­ners of the vol­ume con­tribute to refine the objec­t’s sil­hou­ette, cre­at­ing an impres­sion of an ele­ment extend­ing towards the cen­tral nave.
The cel­e­bran­t’s seat is con­ceived as a cubic vol­ume inter­nal­ly exca­vat­ed to form the seat­ing area. The struc­ture is craft­ed from recon­sti­tut­ed stone ter­raz­zo, while the part accom­mo­dat­ing the cel­e­brant is clad in a light oak wood.
The Bap­tismal Font is the only ele­ment that, due to its nature, resides out­side the con­fines of the Pres­bytery; it is sit­u­at­ed adja­cent to the large win­dow by the church’s main entrance. The Font fea­tures a ter­raz­zo pedestal with a cir­cu­lar sec­tion and a met­al ele­ment out­lin­ing the bas­in’s perime­ter to hold the con­se­crat­ed water; this met­al ele­ment is craft­ed from turned cop­per sheet with a pol­ished, gild­ed finish.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


