Detail of the project ed. 2024

ora­­to­rio-san-pere­­gri­no / Argentina

Design­er Sebastián Cagliero
Loca­tion Miguel David 100. CP 3100. Ciu­dad de Paraná. Provin­cia de Entre Ríos.
Nation Argenti­na
Design Team

Architet­to Adrián Peretti, Architet­to Sebastián Cagliero, Architet­to Iván Peker.

Year 2021
Pho­to credits

Ramiro Sosa

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

It is locat­ed in a very con­sol­i­dat­ed urban area with high traf­fic in the south of the city of Paraná.
Ini­tial­ly the place was an unde­vel­oped and unpop­u­lat­ed area, where a small tem­ple was built, with a gable roof and a side tower.
Then the city grew and so did its imme­di­ate con­struc­tion demand. The ini­tial tem­ple was too small for the demand it had to sat­is­fy, and they built a larg­er build­ing next door to ful­filled that pur­pose. Lat­er, a parish hall, class­rooms and oth­er facil­i­ties were built. Due to such growth, the ini­tial small tem­ple began to house toi­lets for the entire com­plex, degrad­ing its sym­bol­ism and history.
As a result, the imple­men­ta­tion and form of the San Pere­gri­no Ora­to­ry seeks to reclaim and reval­ue the sym­bol­ism and the orig­i­nal mean­ing, for which it is locat­ed in the atri­um of the first temple.
The shape of the ora­to­ry is an exten­sion towards the front of the shape of the orig­i­nal tem­ple, which seeks to sym­bol­ize the growth and pres­ence of the reli­gious com­mu­ni­ty in the neigh­bor­hood. The two-sloped roof is trans­formed into a sin­gle one, in order to increase the scale, pri­or­i­tiz­ing the new access and giv­ing it a more con­tem­po­rary image.
The orig­i­nal tow­er is recov­ered and its height is raised, which seeks to allude to the spir­i­tu­al growth of the com­mu­ni­ty. Inside the ora­to­ry, this tow­er opens to it through diag­o­nal lin­tels, to increase the space of use and inte­grate the two spa­tial volumes.
The inte­ri­or space tries to be a pause with­in the con­vul­sive rhythm of move­ments of the envi­ron­ment and dai­ly life, for which we sought to recre­ate an atmos­phere of calm and peace. A stripped-down area, where light is the main pro­tag­o­nist and atten­dees find relax­ation. It is resolved with a shell that com­plete­ly sur­rounds this space and leaves only a zenithal slit for the entry of nat­ur­al light, strate­gi­cal­ly posi­tioned above the cross and sym­bol­iz­ing spir­i­tu­al illumination.
In addi­tion to the light, rain also enters through this afore­men­tioned open­ing, thought of as inclement weath­er, which is always present on the pil­grim’s path and in which the spir­i­tu­al space of the ora­to­ry pro­vides support.
The mate­ri­als tries to go in accor­dance with this sym­bol­ism of pro­tec­tion, through a sim­ple con­crete and a stone floor. In con­trast to this, the tow­er is sim­ply in white.

Explana­to­ry report of the project
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


