Det­ta­glio 2020


Desi­gner Andreas Meck †, Axel Frühauf
Loca­tion Gebrü­der-Asam-Straße 2, 85586 Poing, Germany
Desi­gn Team

Andreas Meck †
Axel Frühauf

Wol­fgang Amann
(pro­ject management)
Mar­ti­na Frieling
Tobias Jahn
(pro­ject management)
Vivian Krieg
Ste­fan Zöls

Site Mana­ger:
rudolf + sohn architekten

Anno 2018
Pho­to credits

“POI meck archi­tek­ten 1 Hol­z­herr” — Flo­rian Holzherr
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 2 Hol­z­herr” — Flo­rian Holzherr
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 3 Hein­rich” — Michael Heinrich
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 4 Hein­rich” — Michael Heinrich
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 5 Hein­rich” — Michael Heinrich
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 6 Hein­rich” — Michael Heinrich
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 7 Hein­rich” — Michael Heinrich
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 8 Hein­rich” — Michael Heinrich
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 9 Hein­rich” — Michael Heinrich
“POI meck archi­tek­ten 10 Hein­rich” — Flo­rian Holzherr

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

In an extre­me­ly sen­si­ti­ve town plan­ning situa­tion, the new church, with its sculp­tu­ral form, works like a key­sto­ne to act as a con­nec­ting inter­fa­ce bet­ween green land­sca­pe and town. In doing so, the desi­gn picks up on the dif­fe­rent rela­tion­ships bet­ween coun­try­si­de and town and fuses the­se toge­ther on the church squa­re, which pre­sen­ts itself from the street as an invi­ting retreat for the public. Bell tower and rec­to­ry are posi­tio­ned lower and form the bor­der of the church squa­re, the­re­by com­po­sing the fra­me for the church.
A mas­si­ve foun­da­tion maso­ned from molas­se con­glo­me­ra­te — a typi­cal con­glo­me­ra­te gra­vel of Upper Bava­ria — con­sti­tu­tes the chur­ch’s base, which appears to grow out of the ground. Abo­ve this, as an iden­ti­fia­ble land­mark of the new parish church, soars the whi­te cera­mic-tiled roof, unfol­ding with sculp­tu­ral ener­gy. The con­tra­st bet­ween the ethe­real whi­te cro­wn and the sto­ne foun­da­tion repre­sen­ts a vision of hea­ven and earth, of trans­cen­dan­ce and imma­nen­ce, and it is in this field of ten­sion that the church spa­ce is anchored.
The church buil­ding opens to rec­to­ry and church squa­re. Ente­ring the church spa­ce with its slight slo­pe towards the altar, after a lower entry area, a room of light opens up, Baro­que-like, urging one’s view hea­ve­n­ward. This, in con­struc­tion as well as sym­bo­li­cal­ly, is com­po­sed of a spa­tial cross that mani­fests itself as a power­ful ima­ge in the sha­pe of the cei­lin­g’s spa­cial folding.
As an ana­lo­gy to the Holy Tri­ni­ty, three lar­ge sky­lights respec­ti­ve­ly illu­mi­na­te various litur­gi­cal loca­tions and activities.The espe­cial­ly sculp­tu­red exe­cu­tion of the cera­mic tiles is coor­di­na­ted with the light and spa­ce con­cept of the church room and crea­tes with its stron­gly dif­fe­ren­tia­ted geo­me­try mani­fold light refrac­tion. Play­ing with the light in this way, the roof land­sca­pe beco­mes the cry­stal ‘city cro­wn’ of the town of Poing.
A church for clo­se­ness and encoun­ter: com­pre­hen­si­ble, open, invi­ting, memo­ra­ble and visi­ble over a long distance.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici


