Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

parish-church-and-com­­mu­­ni­­ty-cen­­tre / VZ ARQUITECTOS

Loca­tion  7 Luis Rodrí­guez Aran­go Street, Bur­gos. Spain
Desi­gn Team  

Enri­que Vil­lar Pagola
Rodri­go Zapa­raín Hernández

Anno  2015
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

all files © Juan Car­los Quindós

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The pro­ject for a holy pla­ce is approa­ched from a dou­ble view­point. On the one hand to cha­rac­te­ri­se the spa­ce so that it expres­ses ade­qua­te­ly its con­di­tion as holy, and on the other to give an answer to a series of func­tio­nal demands pecu­liar to the liturgy.In their turn the­se are endo­wed with a great air of sym­bo­lic meanings.

For that pur­po­se we have tru­sted in our own forms of con­tem­po­ra­ry lan­gua­ge which have alrea­dy been explo­red in pre­vious pro­jec­ts (the church of St.John Paul II in Siman­cas or the cha­pel of Alca­za­ren Col­le­ge, both in Val­la­do­lid). This was also applied to the use of spa­ce, the sca­le, the use and cha­rac­te­ri­sa­tion of light, the sculp­tu­ral treat­ment of the spa­ce, the volu­me, and the coor­di­na­tion of a uni­ted ico­no­gra­phi­cal pro­gram­me in agree­ment with the lan­gua­ge and cha­rac­te­ri­stics of the temple. 

We have deci­ded on a buil­ding with defi­ned volu­mes which pro­vi­de an answer to each and eve­ry ele­ment of the pro­gram­me. The­se con­si­st of the bell tower and a colum­ba­rium in its inte­rior, a con­ti­nuous base skir­ting the limi­ts of the peri­me­ter, which hou­ses the parish cen­tre with its acces­ses, and lastly, for the tem­ple, a cubic volu­me which emer­ges from an a strip of glass.

The treat­ment of the exte­rior was resol­ved by cove­ring it with just one mate­rial. This was GRC (Glass Rein­for­ced Con­cre­te) with a groo­ved finish, with frag­men­ts of a lar­ge size and hori­zon­tal modu­la­tion orga­ni­sed in levels. We have tried to enhan­ce the public cha­rac­ter of the buil­ding in the urban resi­den­tial sur­roun­dings. The aper­tu­res for light have been trea­ted with a sca­le accor­ding to the glo­bal volu­me, uni­fy­ing them with the use of dar­ke­ned glass.The volu­mes have been exca­va­ted so as to form the acces­ses and have lighting spa­ces avai­la­ble on a les­ser scale.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici