Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

church-saint-john-paul-ii / VZ ARQUITECTOS

Pro­get­ti­sta  RODRIGO
Loca­tion  8 Miguel de Cer­van­tes Ave­nue, 47130 Siman­cas, Val­la­do­lid. Spain.
Desi­gn Team  

Enri­que Vil­lar Pagola
Rodri­go Zapa­raín Hernández

Fer­nan­do Vas­sal­lo Magro (archi­tect)
Javier Mar­tí­nez Pérez (altar­pie­ce sculptor)
Lope Hier­ro Mar­tín (draf­tsman)

Anno  2008
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Enri­que Vil­lar Pago­la / Juan Car­los Quindós

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Church of St. John Paul II is situa­ted in a resi­den­tial esta­te, on a par­cel of land set in a green spa­ce with access from a street with lit­tle traf­fic. This is a small church desti­ned for use by the resi­den­ts of the area. What was sug­ge­sted was a buil­ding with a roun­ded volu­me, taking into account the reces­ses in the land­sca­pe, with the inten­tion of gene­ra­ting a sculp­tu­red pie­ce which illu­stra­tes its cha­rac­ter as an outstan­ding edifice.
The mas­si­ve total volu­me is bro­ken down into parts when it is tran­sver­sed. It spreads out under the awning which covers the atrium in the exte­rior and the bell tower. It has been dealt with as a solid body which has been exca­va­ted until rea­ching the final result. The aper­tu­res for light are con­cen­tra­ted in the bases con­nec­ted to the accesses.
The who­le edi­fi­ce has been built with two mate­rials: a gra­ni­te base which adjusts itself to the height, toge­ther with a cove­ring of lime­sto­ne which gives it its mas­si­ve cha­rac­ter. The finish of the para­pe­ts without coping of any other mate­rial con­tri­bu­tes to increa­se the idea of a roun­ded volume.
In the inte­rior the buil­ding has been desi­gned as a sin­gu­lar nave with dou­ble height which expands into a late­ral nave whe­re the cha­pel for the taber­na­cle as well as auxi­lia­ry spa­ces can be found. The choir is found “floa­ting” in the midd­le of the nave, fur­ther for­ward com­pa­red to its tra­di­tio­nal pla­ce­ment. In this way a gra­dual sequen­tial access to the inte­rior has been crea­ted which com­men­ces in the out­door pede­strian public spa­ce. This con­ti­nues rom the cove­red exte­rior atrium with its awning to the inte­rior gla­zed atrium, the cre­vi­ce of light befo­re rea­ching the base of the choir and the pro­gres­si­ve unco­ve­ring of the altar­pie­ce whi­le the enti­re spa­ce of the nave is inun­da­ted with zeni­thal light.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici