Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

st-tho­­mas-more-catho­­lic-church / JNW Stu­dios ARCHI­TEC­TU­RE — INTE­RIOR DESIGN

Pro­get­ti­sta  Julian Norman-Webb
Loca­tion  Sara­so­ta, Flo­ri­da, USA
Desi­gn Team  

Prin­ci­pal: Julian Nor­­man-Webb AIA, RIBA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C

Cobroo­ke (Archi­tect of Record)

Anno  2013
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

FFS_STM_Ext_1_GW.jpg — Greg Wil­son Photo
FFS_STM_Ext_2_GW.jpg — Greg Wil­son Photo
FFS_STM_Ext_3_RG.jpg — Ryan Gam­ma Photography
FFS_STM_Ext_4_RG.jpg — Ryan Gam­ma Photography
FFS_STM_Ext_5_JNW.jpg — JNW Studios
FFS_STM_Int_1_RG.jpg — Ryan Gam­ma Photography
FFS_STM_Int_2_RG.jpg — Ryan Gam­ma Photography
FFS_STM_Int_3_GW.jpg — Greg Wil­son Photo
FFS_STM_Int_4_GW.jpg — Greg Wil­son Photo
FFS_STM_Int_5_GW.jpg — Greg Wil­son Photo

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

This signi­fi­cant Church reno­va­tion and expan­sion was requi­red to increa­se capa­ci­ty from 800 to 1,400 sea­ts. The resul­ting sustai­na­ble desi­gn and com­po­si­tion con­ti­nues the Modern voca­bu­la­ry of the exi­sting buil­ding. The buil­ding main­tains Parish memo­ry by crea­ti­ve­ly sal­va­ging cer­tain items, reu­sing the exi­sting struc­tu­re of the nor­thern Cha­pel and sou­thern entry; then, inser­ting the addi­tion in bet­ween the two, brin­ging a flood of human ener­gy into the heart of the buil­ding, bathed in calm nor­thern day­light and war­med by mea­su­red quan­ti­ties of direct day­light. The visi­ble warm focus of the beech wood clad wall and east win­dow behind the main altar rein­for­ce the focus and sen­se of cele­bra­tion that is the focus of the litur­gy the buil­ding is the­re to house.

The signi­fi­cant quan­ti­ties of gla­zing show that the Church is always ‘open’ and visi­ble. In the inte­rior, pari­shio­ners assem­ble in clo­se pro­xi­mi­ty to the litur­gy. The cur­ved pews on the slo­ped floor pro­vi­de a bowl of sea­ts, brin­ging the assem­bly toge­ther with light and natu­ral acou­stics. The hard cof­fe­red cei­ling abo­ve absor­pent walls, allo­ws a pro­fes­sio­nal can­tor to sing unai­ded and for the voi­ce of the assem­bly to be heard in hymn and speech. It allo­ws the sound of hand bells to be heard but yet does not echo. It allo­ws an indi­vi­dual to feel con­nec­ted to the who­le spa­ce and assem­bly. Likewi­se, the neu­tral color pal­let throu­ghout the Wor­ship Spa­ce and Nar­thex allo­ws the gathe­red assem­bly to be the color of the space.

Ulti­ma­te­ly, the desi­gn tries to build on the huma­ni­st and reli­gious values of St. Tho­mas More, to whom the Church is dedicated.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici