Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Dmy­tro Selyuk
Loca­tion Fore­st in Voro­n’­kiv, Bory­spi­l’­s’­kyi district, Kyiv region, Ukraine
Desi­gn Team

Roman Seliuk
Dmy­tro Seliuk

Anno 2012
Pho­to credits


Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

This desi­gn based on a squa­re. This form is tra­di­tio­nal: under­stan­da­ble squa­­re-sha­­ped qua­dran­gle is the basis of all woo­den con­struc­tion, the sacred spa­ce of chur­ches in particular.
The ver­ti­cal silhouet­te of the cha­pel we bor­ro­wed from the bell towers.
The main myste­ry of our cha­pel hid­den in its struc­tu­re — in the walls. A buil­ding that gro­ws from a squa­re base turns into a com­plex sha­ped star clo­ser to the top, simi­lar to a star — a sym­bol of eter­nal motion.
The top of the Cha­pel takes the form of a squa­re again, which stops the motion, but its posi­tion rela­ti­ve­ly to the base has alrea­dy been chan­ged. In its desi­gn, the Cha­pel con­tains an encryp­ted tran­si­tion from the sta­tics of a squa­re to eter­nal tran­sfor­ma­tions. The move­ment from clear and fami­liar to myste­rious and mysti­cal, from being in the time cap­ti­vi­ty to eternity.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici