Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er Chang, Jing-Yao
Loca­tion No. 424, Zhong­shan Rd., Fengyuan Dist., Taichung City 420, Taiwan
Design Team

Jing-Yao Chang
Pei-Hsuan Wu
How Wang
Wen-Jie Wang
Ying-Wen Wang

Year 2019
Pho­to credits

TCJ Space Photo
Pho­tog­ra­ph­er: Cun-Ju Tseng

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

The site is less than 14 meters in width and more than 40 meters in depth, a site of an urban shop-house typol­o­gy. In order to gain the max­i­mum space pos­si­ble for the main sanc­tu­ary, the ser­vice spaces such as ele­va­tor core, stairs and toi­lets are placed at the front sec­tion of the site leav­ing the whole rear sec­tion for the audi­to­ri­um with an atri­um in between these two sec­tions. The main stair­case above the street arcade and along­side the front ele­va­tion has floor to floor height glaz­ing screened by met­al pan­els hop­ing that the move­ment up and down the build­ing would cre­ate a new rela­tion­ship to the street as well as adding a new look to the community.

There are five sto­ries above ground and one below grade. The spaces are as fol­lows: The base­ment hous­es the chapel main­ly for Sun­day school, the ground lev­el is a mul­ti-pur­­pose area for com­mu­ni­ty activ­i­ties, the sec­ond and third lev­els are the main vol­ume for the sanc­tu­ary, the fourth lev­el is for the office spaces and the fifth a library and class­rooms. Upon enter­ing the main gate, the front court will receive the vis­i­tors and church mem­bers with stairs up to the sec­ond-floor main sanc­tu­ary and down to the chapel in the base­ment. All cir­cu­la­tion and social meet­ing needs are hap­pen­ing around the front atri­um area leav­ing the places of wor­ship, learn­ing and work be kept away from inter­fer­ence and interruption. 

The nature of the site makes the front ele­va­tion the only expo­sure of the church to the busy street. The col­ored ver­ti­cal pan­els cov­er the whole ele­va­tion attempt to implic­it­ly express the whole­ness of the faith of the con­gre­ga­tion. The sun­set light shines through the pan­els into the atri­um also cre­ates an aur­al atmos­phere for the place.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


