Detail of the project ed. 2020


Design­er Pedro Gar­cía Martínez
Loca­tion Cemente­rio Par­ro­quial San Anto­nio de Pad­ua. Calle I. Parcela 24. Lobosil­lo. Mur­cia. Spain
Design Team

Pedro Gar­cía Martínez

Year 2019
Pho­to credits

Pedro Gar­cía Martínez:
01_ToE_EXT_PGMZ.jpg; 04_ToE_EXT_PGMZ.jpg; 06_ToE_EXT_PGMZ.jpg.
David Frutos:
02_ToE_EXT_DF.jpg; 03_ToE_EXT_DF.jpg;
01_ToE_INT_DF.jpg; 02_ToE_INT_DF.jpg; 03_ToE_INT_DF.jpg; 04_ToE_INT_DF.jpg; 05_ToE_INT_DF.jpg

Pho­to external

Project descrip­tion

Bury­ing the clos­est mem­bers of the fam­i­ly clan, and meet­ing lat­er to invoke their mem­o­ry, con­sti­tutes a prim­i­tive rit­u­al, an ances­tral need that, how­ev­er, remains in force in many cultures.
It seems appro­pri­ate that the con­struc­tion of the space that hous­es such a rit­u­al is based, there­fore, on the con­sid­er­a­tion of two ele­ments that are equal­ly ances­tral to archi­tec­ture: light and gravity.
Light, of unbear­able speed, is con­sid­ered a reflec­tion of the divine, of the eter­nal or perfection.
On the con­trary, the inex­orable action of grav­i­ty evokes the pas­sage of time, the earthly.
Both con­cepts are used to shape the mate­r­i­al that makes up the build­ing. Estab­lish­ing a nuanced dia­logue that devel­ops vertically.
Locat­ed in a rur­al con­text, today inces­sant­ly fur­rowed by the chan­nel of a high­way and marked by the impos­ing pres­ence of large indus­tri­al build­ings, the mau­soleum is per­ceived as a force­ful, punc­tu­al­ly per­fo­rat­ed vol­ume that keeps inside the mem­o­ry of past affections.
Built with the same mate­ri­als that pop­u­late the indus­tri­al envi­ron­ment, but treat­ed with the right pre­ci­sion, the upper part of the pan­theon, smooth and abstract, rests on anoth­er rougher and earth­ly, marked by the rough foot­print of wood, a mate­r­i­al that once was alive.
Inside this ver­ti­cal dia­logue also res­onates. Rotund rein­forced con­crete pan­els, of defined geom­e­try, descend from the roof to be sus­pend­ed over the ground floor lev­el. Light fil­ters through their gaps and projects on its nuanced surfaces.
A wide door, a set of fold­ing bench­es and a small stair­case con­sti­tute the three ele­ments that adapt the struc­ture to the litur­gy. The first will embrace, when the time comes, the funer­al pro­ces­sion, gen­er­at­ing an appro­pri­ate thresh­old. The sec­ond pre­vents that the path of the pro­ces­sion inter­feres with the space of pause that requires a lat­er vis­it to the mau­soleum. Final­ly, the third con­nects the two floors that the build­ing inher­its from its pre­de­ces­sor. Which, found­ed almost a cen­tu­ry ago, now expands in the only way pos­si­ble, swap­ping sur­face by space. The objec­tive: to pre­pare it to con­tin­ue con­serv­ing mem­o­ries and to accom­mo­date those who are to come, those who will belong to the mem­bers of new gen­er­a­tions who renounce to aban­don the bond that their pre­de­ces­sors estab­lished with this place.

Illus­tra­tive project report
Down­load report

Pho­to internal

Tech­ni­cal drawings


