Post­ed projects Inter­na­tion­al Prize 2024


120grammi::laboratorio di architettura


Design­er name: Car­lo Pavan

Design­er office nation: Italia


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3+1studio (Cristinziano Scut­ti, Giuseppe For­tu­na­to) con Valenti­na Angelozzi e Annal­isa Di Luzio


Design­er name: Giuseppe For­tu­na­to

Design­er office nation: Italia


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3TI Prog­et­ti


Design­er name: Francesca Sal­vador

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Design­er name: Hugo Ozu­na & Ana Pineda

Design­er office nation: Mex­i­co


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Design­er name: Jari Franceschet­to

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Alarcon.Fuhrhop.Montalbetti Arqui­tec­tos Asociados


Design­er name: Cristo­bal Mon­tal­bet­ti / Cris­t­ian Fuhrhop / Matias Alarcon

Design­er office nation: Chile


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Ale­jan­dro Beautell, arquitecto


Design­er name: Ale­jan­dro Beautell

Design­er office nation: Spain


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Ale­jan­dro Beautell, arquitecto


Design­er name: Ale­jan­dro Beautell

Design­er office nation: Spain


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Ale­jan­dro Beautell, arquitecto


Design­er name: Ale­jan­dro Beautell

Design­er office nation: Spain


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Design­er name: Ale­jan­dro Saldarriaga

Design­er office nation: Colom­bia


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AM Arqui­tec­tura


Design­er name: Rodri­go Araya Manzanares

Design­er office nation: Chile


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AM3 Architet­ti Associati


Design­er name: Alber­to Cusumano

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Arch. Boris Podrec­ca — Arch. Mar­co Castelletti


Design­er name: Mar­co Castelletti

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Design­er name: ARCH. GIAN­LUI­GI RUSSO

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Design­er name: ARCH. GIAN­LUI­GI RUSSO

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Design­er name: ARCH. GIAN­LUI­GI RUSSO

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Design­er name: ARCH. GIAN­LUI­GI RUSSO

Design­er office nation: Italia


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arch. Michele Anto­nio Schirò, ing. Leonar­do Coviello


Design­er name: Michele Anto­nio Schirò

Design­er office nation: Italia


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architet­to Dani­lo Lisi


Design­er name: Dani­lo Lisi

Design­er office nation: Italia


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ARQBR Arquite­tu­ra e Urbanismo


Design­er name: André Vel­loso Ramos

Design­er office nation: Brazil


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Design­er name: Sebastián Cagliero

Design­er office nation: Argenti­na


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Ate­lier Štěpán s.r.o.


Design­er name: Marek Štěpán

Design­er office nation: Czech Repub­lic


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Design­er name: Car­lo Atzeni

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Base51 Architet­tura


Design­er name: Mario San­to Pao­lo Caruso

Design­er office nation: Italia


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bay­er | uhrig Architek­ten BDA


Design­er name: Dirk Bay­er und Andrea Uhrig

Design­er office nation: Ger­many


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Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten


Design­er name: Yu Han Michael Lin

Design­er office nation: Ger­many


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Design­er name: Benedet­ta Tagliabue

Design­er office nation: Spain


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bernar­do bad­er architekten


Design­er name: Bernar­do BADER

Design­er office nation: Aus­tria


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Design­er name: Walid Ghan­tous — Patrick Mezher

Design­er office nation: Lebanon


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Cabr­era Arqs


Design­er name: Enrique Javier Cabr­era Peniche

Design­er office nation: Mex­i­co


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