Post­ed projects Inter­na­tion­al Prize 2024


Jose Mor­ga­do


Design­er name: José Mor­ga­do

Design­er office nation: Por­tu­gal


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klinken­berg | architektur


Design­er name: Arno Klinken­berg

Design­er office nation: Ger­many


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Kuntsch­er Tsch­ern­ing Architek­ten und Stadt­plan­er Part GmbB


Design­er name: Markus O. Kuntscher

Design­er office nation: Ger­many


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Lat­tke Architekten


Design­er name: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Frank Lat­tke, Architekt BDA

Design­er office nation: Ger­many


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Design­er name: Stu­dio FH / Localworks

Design­er office nation: Ugan­da


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Design­er name: Alber­to Julio Fresco

Design­er office nation: Switzer­land


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LP architek­tur ZT GmbH


Design­er name: Tom Lech­n­er

Design­er office nation: Aus­tria


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Design­er name: Enri­co Maria Raschi

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Mario Cucinel­la Architects


Design­er name: Mario Cucinel­la

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Maroun Lahoud Architecture


Design­er name: Maroun Lahoud

Design­er office nation: Lebanon


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me.Ander D.O.O.


Design­er name: Andrey Anisi­mov

Design­er office nation: Mon­tene­gro


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me.Ander D.O.O.


Design­er name: Andrey Anisi­mov

Design­er office nation: Mon­tene­gro


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me.Andrer D.O.O.


Design­er name: Andrey Anisi­mov

Design­er office nation: Mon­tene­gro


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Design­er name: Flo­ri­an Schlüter

Design­er office nation: Ger­many


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messi­nar­i­vas architectures



Design­er office nation: Brazil


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Design­er name: Cesare Quer­ci

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Mod­um Építésziro­da Kft.


Design­er name: András Krizsán

Design­er office nation: Hun­gary


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Mon­eo Brock


Design­er name: Belén Mon­eo + Jeff Brock

Design­er office nation: Spain


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Moser und Hager Architekten


Design­er name: Arch. MMAG Anna Moser

Design­er office nation: Aus­tria


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mva_marco volpe architetto


Design­er name: mar­co volpe

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Design­er name: Arch. Leonar­do Nardis

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Negozio Blu Architet­ti Associati


Design­er name: Pao­la Gatti

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Net­ti Architetti


Design­er name: Loren­zo Netti

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Design­er name: Rober­to Paoli

Design­er office nation: Italia


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Noero Archi­tects


Design­er name: Michael Fran­cis Joseph Noero and Evan­dro Schwalbach

Design­er office nation: South Africa


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Nuno Fer­reira Capa — Arqui­tec­tura e Design


Design­er name: Nuno Capa

Design­er office nation: Por­tu­gal


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Nuno Fer­reira Capa — Arqui­tec­tura e Design


Design­er name: Nuno Capa

Design­er office nation: Por­tu­gal


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office03 // wald­mann & jung­blut architek­ten part­ner­schaft mbb


Design­er name: Berthold Jung­blut // Dirk Waldmann

Design­er office nation: Ger­many


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OOPEAA Office for Periph­er­al Architecture


Design­er name: Anssi Las­si­la

Design­er office nation: Fin­land


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OOPEAA Office for Periph­er­al Architecture


Design­er name: Anssi Las­si­la

Design­er office nation: Fin­land


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